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•next day•
Sammy's pov
I woke up with Kiara's face in my neck, she was still sleep.
I slowly got her off me, making sure not to wake her up.
I went to the bathroom and did my hygienic routine then went back in the room to make sure she was still sleep.
She was.
I went downstairs to see everybody here.
Dice, Bryan, Stunna, Keon, Lil Tre, and Fredo. They was playin the game.
"Fuck y'all doing hea'?" I asked them.
"Damn, I can't come see my sister?" Keon said.
I shook my head and went into the kitchen to see breakfast cooked.
I texted Mrs.Dane, tellin her thank you then made Kiara and I a plate.
Kush got off of Fredo and came over to me.
"Whatchu want lil bro?" I asked him.
He sat down and stuck his tongue out.
I threw him a piece of bacon.
"Go get Kiara"
He ran up the stairs.
I heard him barking from the dining room, then a thump.
I laughed, knowing that Kiara fell.
Then my phone started ringing.
"Yes baby?" I answered.
"Can you come get me?" Kiara asked.
I laughed at her then she hung up on me.
I went upstairs into my room to see Kush chewing on his toy while she was trying to put clothes on.
I walked up to her and pecked her lips, then picked her up.
"You had fun last night?" I asked as I stood in the elevator with Kush sitting next to us.
"Yeaa" she said looking down and blushing.
I chuckled then walked out of the elevator door with Kush following us after it opened. I went to the living room where the boys was at and put her on the couch next to Keon.
"BroBro!" She said hugging him.
"Hey Ki" he said hugging back.
"Ha, can't walk huh?" Dice said then he covered himself, as if Kiara was about to hit him.
"Soft ass, scary ass bitch" Kiara told him.
"Shut yo mouth before I stick something in it" Dice said.
"Sammy already did" Lil Tre said laughing.
"Mhmm" I said
We all started laughing except for Kiara.
"Y'all some bitches" she said then she laughed a little.
I leaned over her and kissed her.
"You hungry?" I asked her, staring at her lips.
"I got some ass you can eat" Bryan said.
"Gay ass bitch" Stunna said as we all laughed at him.
"Yeaa" Kiara told me.
I pecked her lips then went to get her food.
I came back and put her on my lap, then gave her her food.
"Thank you daddy" she said.
Everybody looked at her crazy.
"Damn, you hit and she already callin you daddy instead of Sammy" Fredo said.
"She been callin me daddy nigga" I said making my fingers go in a circle on her back.
"Well, Sammy is my ONLY daddy" Kiara mumbled.
I tapped her thigh.
She stopped eating and looked at me.
I gave her that 'Really?' face.
She shrugged.
After everybody ate, Kiara and I decided to get tattoos.
I'm getting Saniyah Renee Jordan on my back.
But since this is Ki's first tattoo, she's getting 2/23/16 Rip SRJ on her shoulder.
I went first.
After I got mines, my back was red and it scared Kiara.
"I don't know if-" she said nervously but I cut her off.
"Shutup, you're getting this tattoo" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the tattoo artist man.
I told him what and where she wanted, then he started.
Kiara grabbed my hand with her free one squeezed it.
"This shit hurt" she said.
"I know, I got plenty" I said looking at the tattoo on my arm.
She let go of my hand and put it on my arm and started feeling on it.
"Whatcha doin ma'?"
"I don't know. I just wanted to feel it" she said.
I gave her a confused face then she started laughing.
•20 minutes later•
"Ok, you're done" the artist said.
I looked at it.
It was nice, but not betta than mines😂😛
I'm playin.
We walked out of the shop and to the car.
I didn't lean back on my back, cuz this shit stings, so I had to sit up the whole drive.
And that did not feel right at all.
I took my shirt off. The feeling of cloth rubbing on it burned.
Then we got to the house.
I threw my shirt over my shoulder and walked in to see Mr.Dane on the phone with someone.
"No! I pay the bills around here! I'm getting tired of this bullshit Mary!" He yelled into the phone.
He was talking to Mrs.Dane.
"Hey kiddos, y'all go upstairs for a minute" he softly talked to us.
I nodded and grabbed Kiara's hand, pulling her into the elevator.
"What was that all about?" Kiara asked, referring to Mr.Dane.
(His real name is Carl)
"Oh umm, Carl and Mary tend to argue a lot. But he never cursed her out so I think it's bad" I said.
She nodded as we walked into my room.
"Whatchu wanna do?" I asked her.
She shrugged.
"I don't even know" she said flopping on the bed.
I sat next to her and rubbed her back.
"Whatchu wanna do bae?" She asked.
"Umm, I don't kn-"
"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Kush" she said as he jumped on her.
"See, lil nigga you got my fucked up. It's only been a few days and you already stole my girl" I said to Kush, playing with his ear causing him to try and bite me.
"Bite me nigga" I said grabbing both his ears as he tried to get out of my grip.
Then he started barking.
"Ok, damn. You can have her" I said, his barks loud as hell I swea.
Kiara laughed.

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