Yea I've been talking about superheroes and Anime non-stop to my friends. My Friend Jaiden said she's gonna turn into Yandere Chan and kill meh and I'm just like GET OUT I'm not obessed.....yes I am. I have a problem.
I LUV YOU SHANE DAWSON...Ahem anyways Back to the mane subject. I've been obessed with this song by Shane Dawson it's called Superluv if you haven't heard of it.
Help me I have problems. Yeah I just wasted all of you peeps time....Sowwy...Forgive meh?
The state test is starting on Tuesday son of a bocce
Here he is the biggest Douche of the universe and all the galaxy there's no bigger douche than youFREAKIN hawk moth why do you keep trying give the hell up
already. Hawk Moth is from Miraculous ladybug BTW he's really getting me pissed off....YOU DOUCHEWhat even is this rant?
Ok bye I wasted your time enough I'm gonna listen to The song Superluv until i get tired of it....oh please how can i get tired of this song its awesome.