I broke a kid's nose

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I can't believe it! I am so pissed! I had to get sent to anger management classes all because I broke some kids nose. Well it was his fault for stealing my phone he would have suffered less if he would have simply gave me my phone back but he tried to interrogate me so I swung. I don't have a anger problem! But principal Ozpin thought I did so here I am about to enter anger management against my will. I sigh and yank at the collar of my sweater and entered the room. I looked at the small table in front of me with name tags. They were all on a black and red specked lanyard. I scanned my eyes over them and found my name. 'Weiss Schnee' was neatly written on a card it had a little smiley face under my name... How sickening. I sighed and put the lanyard around my neck and look at the table once more there was another name tag missing. Great another person probably some brute who beats women. I walk fully into the room. My suspicions were correct. But it was another girl I huff and sit in the chair across from her and sighs. I quickly scanned her. She is tall blonde has an extremely goofy grin on her face what the hell is wrong with her? I saw her name tag Yang Xaio Long...... Why does that name sound familiar? It suddenly hit me Yang she's in my science, history, and art classes she didn't seem like she needs anger management. Well not from what I observe what I've heard is she gets into some nasty fights but I haven't seen it so I dismissed it as a rumor but they seem true. I sneezed quietly and she suddenly looked my way grinning more "Seems some one just Schnee-zed!" She snickered and walked over plopping into the seat next to mine. "The names Yang!" She offered her hand I already knew her name but decided to be polite and took her hand. "Mine is-" she suddenly cut me off. "Weiss Schnee I see you in class.... What'cha in for?" She asked with a beaming amount of curiosity. "Well I broke someone's nose...." I said sheepishly. "Well it's just as bad as what I am in for. I broke someone's leg though." She said nonchalantly I shifted a little but shook my head. "Say Weiss you're kinda-" Yang was suddenly cut off by the door bursting open. "GOOOOOOD MORNIIIIIIING!!" A male voice beamed out "THE SUN IS SHINING AND THE BIRD ARE SINGIIINNG! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE working ON OUR PROBLEMS!!" Oh god he's so cheerful..... Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew...... This is going to be hell.....

The Brute I Met In Anger Management ~a Freezerburn Story~Where stories live. Discover now