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Chapter II

The orientation finished around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I was surprise by the sudden change in weather.

A while ago the sun ray might burns your skin but now the dark clouds are approaching, indicating a heavy rain in a minute now.

Checking my watch and still I've got an hour to be pick up by Camilla so I decided to roam around the campus.

I've enjoy the friendly environment around here and the feeling of freedom and away from the hustle and bustle of life.

As I focused the lens of my camera around the far left side corner of the kinda old building, I notice something strange.

Zooming in to have a proper view, I saw a telephone booth. Not just a telephone booth that was seen around here the Phil but western kind of telephone booth.

Curiosity overtaken me and before I know I'm walking toward it. Looking around if there is someone who could tell me what's this booth doing here in this isolated place. I mean what's the sense of putting the booth where students, well I assume barely visit this side of campus.

I open the door and it sound like a rusty door in a horror movie that gives me goose bumps. I've got a second thought going inside because it started to feel really creepy. I look back hoping that someone was around or lost their way here but I've seen no one.

I'm about to leave the booth when big drops of rain fall from the sky, leaving me no choice but to stay inside.

I grab my phone in my left pocket and unluckily there is no signal at all.

Holy $#!+ I screamed loud and my phone kiss the floor when it slip on my hand because the stupid telephone has just decided to ring.

ARgggg I weep as I pick my phone and saw the big crack on my two months old iphone6.

Annoyed to what happen to my phone, i grab the telephone to answer it but to my surprise a blinding light appears from above and all I can do is to shut my eyes tight close.

Adjusting from the light, I saw a shadow appearing approaching me. Even in the confusing stage , I'm trying to process what had just happens and where this smoke and that light come from.

Ive tried to Get hold on myself whispering not to freak out even though fears getting into me; and try to figure out where the hell is the telephone goes .

Hello there!! A deep man voice called out on me.

Well hello I answer back and at last I found the strength on my feet and started moves towards the shadow in front me.

But I guess it's a wrong move.

I felt like screaming but no voice comes out on my throat and my mouth left out hanging. My legs escaped its strength and I fall down on my knees on the floor still in shocked with what I saw.

Hey? Are you okay? He asked again moving towards me. But before he comes 2 meter close, I feel everything is spinning around me and his voice seems fading away.

Before I totally lost my consciousness and hit my face flat on the floor, I felt the warm arm embrace me and when I look up I saw her smiling.


When I open my eyes, first thing I saw is an elegant huge chandelier in the ceiling. I sit on the king size bed hugging both my knees as I try to remember what happens and where I am right now.

I also noticed that I'm not wearing my jeans and my shirt instead a white plain above the knee dress.

Scanning around it's seem it's a castle room like I've seen in the movies at medieval age and what I've read on how the castle room being describe in the book. You know old stuff like golden and silver candle holder place in the table nearby, an huge bookshelf which I think holds hundreds of books which I can't wait to get my hand on and there is also a portrait of people and not so people look like...

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