Chapter 3.5 : Bipolar

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Hey all. Okay so I'm very sorry for the long wait. If you wanna know why I explained it in the little authors note chapter before this. But I'm back now and hopefully I'll stay back.

(P.s yes this isn't Chapter 4, that's already written but I felt as though I needed a build up to that. So Chapter 4 will still be called Rogue Spies and all that jazz)



Ace whimpered as he pushed himself further away from the inviting hand in front of him. Well they did make no advancement to hurt him, nor did they show any sigh of harm at all, but Ace still found himself cowering away from the hand and further into the log that he had found.

Ace heard a sigh from the hands owner. What were they sighing for?! Ace was the one clearly in a situation that calls for stress, if they wanted they could leave Ace and it'll all be fine, well, not fine for Ace since he still doesn't know how to get home........Wait!

A thought came to Ace that caused conflict as he further thought about it more. He could end this all be asking for help, but what good what that do if they were really bad people and ended up hurting him, or killing..... Ace shook his head as the thought seemed to scare him. Though when he did focus back on reality he did notice that the hand was gone, no longer there. Though with one sniff he could tell that the person was right outside the log entrance.

Ace mentally whimpered as he curled up inside the log. Silently wishing for the person to leave him, he didn't want them there anymore.

"Mom...........please make the bad people go away....." Ace cringed at how whiney he sounded in his mom.

He whimpered once more as he laid his head down on the moist wooden log. He mentally scolded himself at being so pathetic.........his mother was gone, he saw how weak she was as he turned his back on her and left. She's gone and it's his fault........and now he's wishing his mother back for his own convince. Selfish..........what would Jason say.....

Ace couldn't help let a tear fall as he thought about how bipolar he sounded at the moment. One minute he was crying on how he was too young for this and now he's scolding himself for being so weak. Ace has never felt these kinds of problems before.......he's been told about them yes, but always in the sense of 'when your older'. Ace should be ready yet he shouldn't be ready. He needed help, his mother, Jason, he didn't care, as long as someone gave him a clear mind. To tell home that it's okay and that he's to young! Or how pathetic he's being for this whole thing!

"Someone........please......stop the voices....their fighting" Ace now held his head in his hands as he laid there sobbing as his mind seemed to wage war.

Was he right for leaving?

Isn't it okay to feel weak?

He learned what to do already.

But he's just a pup still.

"Please......their yelling now" Ace mentally cried.

He was taught what to do yet he still ran!!

He's just a pup, he couldn't and he wouldn't have been able to stand up to them!!

He could have tried, but no he ran!!

It was an order from his mother!!

An order, or just a silent pled for help!

He did what he had to do!

Ace shook as he felt the cold night air wrap around his body like a mocking blanket. Adding to his distress as he waged mental war to clarify his past actions, was he in the write, or was he in the wrong. He didn't know and something told Ace that he was going to driven crazy by this if he doesn't get help, any help. Ace propped himself up with his two shoulders as he looks outside the entrance. Again he couldn't see anyone, but he could smell them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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