My happy little pill of ecstasy

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   On the deep web I ordered a bottle of pills, which contain ecstasy. A very powerful drug. I don't want to hurt people around me by committing suicide, but I just need an escape.
Cutting is not enough, neither is smoking or drinking. It's like nothing can distract me from this illness in my head that is driving me insane.

I was waiting for the clock to reach 4:00a.m. So I can get that bottle and take one pill. I don't wanna overdose, but I just want to escape this realm called reality.

As the clock hits 3:59a.m. I rush downstairs and wait for it to be four. When it reaches four I rush outside and watch as the mailman puts the package in the mailbox. I grab it and run inside.

I go to my bedroom and open the bottle that contained the pills. They were so beautiful and colorful I almost didn't want to take one. I put one on my tongue and swallowed it with a random water bottle on my dresser. I decided to lock the door incase I become a danger to my family.

Fifteen minutes pass and I begin feeling lightheaded. As my vision became slightly hazy I began to feel calm. Distracted. Free. Everything started going in slow motion. It felt like a good high you can't possibly get without these pills.

I felt my anxiety levels rising but it still felt good. I then felt paranoid. I was yelling at things around me I felt good though. I look down at my hands and see them almost looking like waves. I then started to spin since everything felt as if it were going in slow motion.

Then suddenly everything stops. And I see faded colours. Colours of green, purple, and yellow frequencies came upon me as time just stopped.

I felt almost floaty. Like I'm on cloud nine. I was still spinning. It felt like the world had no end like I was just a particle floating and spinning in a endless spacious place.

After thirty minutes the high began to wear off. This left me with the side effects of dizziness and hunger. I have never eaten this much before.

All I know is the feeling of ecstasy is enough of a distraction to me.

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