The Midnight Train

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Every night before I go to bed I hear the midnight train. I'd always look out my window but I could never see it. Probably due to the fact there are woods behind my house but that's not the point.
I always hear the midnight train and it makes me feel as if it's calling for me.

For months on end I've heard this train remaining oblivious to its meaning. Why do I always hear it? Why can't my parents hear it? I wonder all these things.
And I can only hear it at 12:00 a.m
It makes me uneasy not knowing the meaning behind it. There could be no meaning but my active imagination is leading me towards that assumption.
I know, I know what you're all thinking, "It's just a train."
Due to my extreme curiosity I sneak outside my window and charge through the woods.
Running watching my house get further the farther I go into the woods felt so wrong and right at the same time.
I was a bit frightening feeling extreme levels of paranoia as I roam these woods. I can hear things buzz, crickets, the snapping of twigs but that didn't stop me.

30 minutes pass and its now 11:30 pm. I can see the woods coming to an end.
I immediately run past the last of the trees coming to a bunch of railroad tracks.
I was so pumped by my adrenaline rushing I didn't notice I was bleeding from a scratch, I probably got cut by a thorn.

*Wooh Wooh*

I quickly turn my head to the left hearing the traintracks rattle. And the midnight train it was coming.

*chug chugga chugga chug chugga chugga*

Went the train till it came to a complete stop.

The screeching of the brakes sent shivers down my spine causing my neck hairs to bounce up.

The doors slid open and I didnt even realize there was a stop at the other side if the train.

I walk in and take a seat. The train is almost empty besides the three kids to the right of me.

"Hello." I say unsteadily.

They look at me and hushed me. I took that as an act of rudeness so I turned my head and faced the other direction. Then the kids move to the side I'm facing.

The little boy came to me and whispered "The train man doesn't like when we speak."

"Is he a bad man?" I whispered back.

"He takes kids like us that wonder about the train. He makes it so only kids like us can hear it." Said the little girl who was seated next to the little boy.

"How does he do that?" I ask.

They all shrugged. "Magic maybe.." she answered.

The train man came to check on us. He had all black everything even a hat that covered almost all his fave.

Then he did this smirk that caused me to go into shock. Everything was going in slow motion and becoming blurry.
I try to regain a sense of consciousness but it wasn't working.

The last thing I saw was the train man.

When I woke up I was in my bed.
I drank water trying to gain a sense of mentality.

All I know is that ever since that day I've never heard the midnight train.

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