Chapter 2

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{ Ciel's POV }

After Sebastian left I tried to focus on doing my work but I ended up thinking about him. As much as tried to think about something else my thoughts always went straight back to Sebastian, like if he was some type of magnet that my head was attracted to.

"Uh! Why does he have to be so damn perfect!" I groaned in frustration.

I just hope that these thoughts go away so I can focus on my work instead of my butler. Maybe I'll read something to keep my mind off of Sebastian.

I got up from my chair and walked up to the shelves of books in my study. I looked around and found a decent one from Edgar Allen Poe called Tell - Tale Heart. I went and grabbed the book off its shelf and then walked back to my desk. As I started to read it for a few minutes, my eyes started to get droopy until I slowly drifted off to sleep.

{Ciel's Dream}

I kept running and running, as if my life depended on it. Something seemed to be chasing me.I didn't know what it was, but I wasn't going to stop and find out. As I was running I looked around and saw that I was in a forest, it was dark and I couldn't see a thing. As I was running, my lithe body was dodging all of the trees and rocks in my way. My lungs were burning from all the running, it felt like they where soon about to burst into flames. Suddenly I tripped on something and fell onto the cold, wet ground.

I forced myself to get up even though my limbs where screaming in pain pleading me to stay on the ground.The thing that had been chasing me finally caught up and forcefully grabbed me and pushed me up against a tree. I struggled against my captor, but my efforts seemed futal as it had my wrists pinned above my head and its body pushed up against mine to stop my struggling.I looked at the being that held me up against the tree but I couldn't see its face. It's figure looked very familiar, almost similar to Sebastian's.

I then felt a rough wet tongue against my left cheek. Realizing it came from the thing that had up against a tree I started to struggle again to free myself from my captor but my struggling proved useless as it started to bite my neck.

"Stop struggling you'll only make it worse." My captor said, it's voice full of lust and want.

I've heard that voice before. It...It's Claude!

"C-Claude!?!? " I said, my voice full of confusion.

"Shhh... love don't say anything." He whispered with a smirk forming on his lips.

"Let me go, Claude!"I said as I struggle against him again.

Claude then forced my legs to wrap around his waist as he held my wrists tighter until I felt blood slide down from them.Suddenly I felt cold lips pressed up against mine. I made an effort to turn my head away but he kept it in place.

Hot tears started to pour down my cheeks, fear of what he might do to me. He then licked my lips asking for entrance which I instantly denied. He pinched my butt which made me give out a little queak of embarrassment. He then took that moment to slide his filthy tongue into my mouth, ravaging through my wet cavern, not leaving anything untouched by his disgusting organ.

"Sebastain! Sebastian! Where are you Sebastian!" I cried out in fear.

Claude then stopped and leaned onto my ear and whispered " He won't come for you Ciel, no one will. You're mine and mine alone. Forever."

My eyes widened and refusing to believe anything this repulsive spider said I called out again for Sebastian.

..........{End of Ciel's Dream}...........

I suddenly woke up to my butler shaking me awake as he called out to me in desperate attempts to wake me up. I was sweating and gasping for air trying to calm myself down from my horrifying nightmare. I held up my hands to my face to feel my hot tears against my nimble fingers. I realized I had been crying. I attempted to wipe my tears away from my eyes, but my eyes just let more tears escape out to replace the ones that I wiped away. I suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around my petite form. I turned around and looked up to see Sebastian looking down at me with worry filled eyes. I  couldn't stop myself from crying harder and buring my face into Sebastian's chest, not even stopping the sobs that escaped my mouth.

I stayed in Sebastian's arms for a while and I had stopped my sobbing. I'm glad Sebastian didn't ask why I was crying, I couldn't handle the emotional stress of explaining my nightmare to him. I was silently crying on Sebastian's chest until sleep took over me again.


Hey guys I'm back with a new chapter and I hope you enjoyed it!☺

Please comment on this and vote!😊👍

Also if there is anything that I need to work on my writing please tell me cause I wouldn't call myself a good writer 😕, so I leave that up to you guys to decide.😉

Thanks for reading my poor exuse of writing!☺

~ MissYaoiUnicorn Out ✌

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