Chapter 5

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{Ciel's POV}

"Prove it....." I said blankly. I don't know if I believe him about him developing affectionate emotions towards me. He had to show me in some way that he was actually feeling these types of emotions, because he has always been so emotionless and teasing towards me for the past few years, that I don't know whether he's saying the truth or not.

Suddenly I felt his gloved fingers on my chin bring it up so I'd be at eye level with him. I felt my face grow hot and I'm sure my cheeks were bright red right now. It felt like forever with both of us staring at each other. His gaze looked very intense that his eyes started to give off a slightly brighter shade of red in his crimson eyes. Slowly I saw Sebastian lean in towards my face until our lips where only centimeters apart, I felt my heart start to race and felt my body start to shake. Out of panic I was about to question him about what he's going to do, but I felt warm lips against mine, which caused me gasp in surprise which eventually made me forget what I was about to say. 

All I could do is stare wide eyed in shock as his lips where against mine, everything felt so new and exhilarating. I couldn't comprehend what was going on right now because once his lips met mine I felt my sadness, anger, and depression that had always been in my heart start to fade away, like Sebastian was some type of light beacon that found me lost in the darkness and guided me back to the light. I felt myself start to feel happy, like fireworks were going off inside of me. I was still stunned by the action but Sebastian started to move our lips together which caused me to close my eyes and let him lead me into the kiss. I really do feel embarrassed that I didn't know how to kiss him, since I've never kissed anyone before, not even on the cheek. Even though I do receive kisses on the cheek from Lady Elizabeth from time to time, thought I don't find them as pleasing as the one that Sebastain is giving me on my lips right now. I surprisingly started to moan out a little when he nipped and kissed me more. I bet my whole face is red out of embarrassment right now.

 Suddenly I felt Sebastian rap his arms around my thin waist pulling me closer to him as our body's pressed up against each other. I got a little tense at the action but I relaxed and let myself go on Sebastian's lap with both legs on each side of his thighs and I was now in a straddling  position on Sebastian. I slowly felt myself put my arms around his pale neck, pulling him closer to me to have as much physical contact as possible. He then licked my lips asking for entrance which I instantly granted him, letting his tongue into my wet cavern, exploring my mouth until there wasn't a single spot untouched by him. I let out a pleasure filled moan as he kept ravaging me with his skilled tongue. I felt myself so lost in what Sebastain was doing to me that I didn't notice that he had slowly pushed me down on the bed, as I felt the the soft sheets make contact with my body. Sebastian was now on top of me still kissing me with one hand keeping me in place and the other softly caressing my body. The way Sebastian is touching me feels really weird but not the bad kinda of weird like how Claude was touching me in my nightmare. Sebastian's touches where warm and pleasurable, while Claude's were cold and disgusting. 

I started to feel intense heat coursing through my body which was very odd since I didn't know that just by kissing you could feel yourself burning inside. Even with the thin white button up shirt that I had on, I still felt the heat and it was starting to become unbearable for me. Just as I thought that I could no longer bear the heat, Sebastian slowly pulled away from our passionate kiss, which caused me to open my eyes and look up at him with dazed and confused eyes, as I was panting trying to catch my breath from the heated kiss.

{Sebastian's POV}

I kissed Ciel with soo much passion and love that I hoped that he would receive the love and passion through the kiss and understand how much I love him and how much I wanted him to feel the same way towards me. When I first kissed him I thought that Ciel would push me away and tell me how much he is disgusted with me and how a failure of a butler I've become, but surprisingly he didn't. He did gasp in in surprise at first but did nothing to push me away so I continued and I moved his lips with mine. He seemed not to know how to kiss me, so I decided to do all the work until he felt comfortable to try and kiss me back. I started by nipping and moving our lips together. After that, I rapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer towards me. he started to embrace my neck, also demanding closer contact with me. With that, the kiss started to get more intense, that I felt my body to start heat up. My tongue going into his sweet tasting mouth, as I explored every inch of him, not letting a single spot unclaimed by me. He started to give out pleasure filled moans in between our kissing session that I started to crave the sweet sounds that escaped his beautiful mouth. I slowly pushed Ciel on his back on the soft silked sheets of his bed where I started to rubb his thigh and kiss him even more than before. I wanted to explore more of him than his lips so I pulled away from his sweet lips and opened my eyes to find a delicious sight underneath me.

A panting Ciel with bright red cheeks and dazed filled eyes staring at me, as if innocently asking what had just happened. The sight of his slightly opened mouth giving out soft panting noises and some of the buttons undone from his button up shirt, revealing his soft, creamy skin. The sight of him almost made me want to lose control of myself and take him right here and now, but I restrained myself from doing so, as not to scare him away. I was about to lean and aim for his neck until I remembered that he hasn't told me if he believes me or not about how I've been feeling towards him.

"Do you believe me now master, because I can't stand the thought of you not knowing how much I care and love you. You are everything to me and I wouldn't let anything or anyone take you away from me, I love you." I said pleading all of my emotions to him hoping that he would believe me. He looked up at me with his big, bright, beautiful, multicolored eyes, that I love so much and lean up and kissed me with his soft plump lips that where so intoxicating that I couldn't resist to kiss him back. He stared at me with emotionless eyes and slowly rose up from his layed down position and was now sitting in front of me with his hands folded neatly over each other. He started at me for a few seconds and then spoke.

"Sebastian, I do believe you and I'm glad that you love me, because in all truth and honesty I've been falling in love with you these past few days. At first i couldn't underdtand the feelings going on inside me but after thinking about it for I while, I figured out that I'm in love with you. After that realozation I couldn't even focus well enough to do my work with you always on my mind. I love you so much that I'm an idiot for not realizing it sooner." He said with a little bit of sadness.

I gently caressed his face with my gloved hand and I lean in to him and kissed his cute nose, he was startled at the sudden gesture as red started to tint his cheeks and he turned his head the other way breaking eye contact with me. I chuckled at his cute reaction and pulled him closer to me as I gently placed a kiss on his head, smiling when he shifted a little in my arms. We stayed that way for a couple of minutes before I pulled away, now noticing that we are behind schedule and that I should get my young master ready to start the day as soon as possible before we get even more behind schedule.

"Young master I think we should hurry up and get you dressed and ready to start the day. You're schedule is quite full today." I said as I got off the bed and walked to the dresser and pulled out the young master's apparel for the day, which consists of a pure white dress shirt, with midnight black shorts, accompanied with a dark blue coat, long black socks, his knee high great boots and a black bow tie. I brought all the clothing to my young master and started to undress him and redress him in the apparel that I had got. After that I gave him his breakfast which he silently ate.

"Young master today your schedule will consist of signing documents in your study, after that you will have fencing lessons with Mr. Smith, after that Lady Elizabeth will arrive and have lunch with you and you'll be spending the day with her until she has to leave." I said breaking the silence that has taken over the atmosphere in the room.

"Why can't I just do nothing today and   stay with you instead?" He said annoyance relevant in his voice.

"Because young master, it's your responsibility to do your paper work for the Funtom Company as you are the owner of it, and it is rude to not spend time with your fiance." I said with a stern but light tone in my voice.

"Fine, but don't complain when I ask you to get me cake throughout the day." He said stubbornly, which was really cute that I could help but lean down to his face and peck his nose.

He blushed and turned his head, looking the other way as he stood up and walked towards the door of the room. He opened the door and was about to walk out before he stopped and looked at me with pink tinted cheeks.

"Don't do that when we're in public unless you want people to get the wrong idea about us." He said trying to be stern with me. I chuckled and and put my right hand over where my heart is and bowed.

"Yes, My lord."


Well I hate myself for being lazy and not updating sooner 😖

Welllllll....... I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and the whole story in general.😉

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~ MissYaoiUnicorn Out✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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