Chapter 4: Always and forever

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She arrived at her home when the sun was at its highest point, holding her new necklace from time to time to feel safe and hopeful that things would get better.

The plan Henrik had come up with was simple: first, she had to go to the elders and ask for forgiveness for running away. Maybe alleging the she had panicked but now was sure that the ritual was her destiny would convince them to agree to her petition: postpone the act for five full moons. As it was tradition for the ritual girls to set the day of the ritual, they thought the elders wouldn't oppose to it. That would give her and the brothers enough time to find a spell to unlink herself from Helga.

Then she would probably have to run away as far as she could.

She was sad about having to leave home. There had never been something tying her there; but now she had found good friends and she didn't want to leave them behind. They were the first people in all her life that, she thought, care about her. She wasn't keen on letting that go. She wanted to ask them to go with her, it sounded childish and they probably wouldn't agree -they had their own life and family to think of-, but she had to ask.

She made a stop at her house and got dressed, throwing the white dress on her bed and putting on a long blue underdress and a red hangaroc on top of it. She put on low boots made of fur that made her feet feel warm again and tightened her clothes with a leather belt. She finally tied together some strands of her hair with a blue ribbon so her face was clear. She washed her face quickly with some water that she had gathered the morning before and let it dry by itself.

This is it, she told herself.

She gathered all the courage she could muster and went to talk with the elders that lived in her village. There were others throughout the land but they only came together when one of them was going to perform the ritual. Until that moment, each group of three had their own part of the coven that they needed to guide. On her village there was Helga, Arya and Kala. Kala had done the ritual decades ago, her body would be now fifty years old maybe, and Arya's body would be around its thirties. She had only talk to the last two a couple of times but Helga had practically raised her.

And yet, here we are now, she thought. She wondered if it had always been Helga's plan to take her body. Maybe that was the sole reason why she had been nice to her, so she would agree.

She found Helga at her house, just as she had left her, and so she apologized, but regarding the petition the elder didn't agreed to five moons. As a punishment for threatening her she would only give her three. Beyla thanked her with a thin smile and excuse herself. She then went to meet with Henrik and Niklaus.

Every time she went to the hill she realized that the place was full of beauty; maybe it was the ambience produced by the fallen trees or the smell of the flowers or the song sang by the birds or maybe it was because she could see the whole valley from up their little private cliff. Maybe it was because her problems didn't followed her up there or because she was with the brothers but her mood always improved when she was there.

When she saw them she ran to meet them, Henrik hugged her and Nik nodded at her smiling, happy to see that everything had gone as accorded.

"Three months? Well, it might be enough, don't worry," Henrik said thinking after she had told them everything, "Kol has agreed to help and he will try to find an unlinker spell, we just have to be patient."

"I know, I know," she said. She couldn't help but worry, her life was at stake.

Nik, as if sensing her mood, stepped into the conversation.

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