Chapter 34

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I can't imagine how Andee feels right now. I finally stopped crying but Niall is still holding me. I haven't gone to see Andee yet. I'm trying to calm down before I see her because if one of us sees the other crying, we both cry. 

"Come on babe..." Niall kissed my forehead when we pulled away from each other. "We have to see her." He took my hand and led me towards the room.

"I know..." I sniffled. "I just hope she's doing okay..." I trailed off and Niall squeezed my hand.

When we got to Andee's room she was asleep on Harry's shoulder.

"Is she okay?" Niall asked as Harry slowly moved out from underneath Andee. He pushed a button on the bed that slowly reclined it so she could sleep more comfortably.

"uhhh..." Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "She was just crying on my shoulder for about thirty minutes... so I don't know how okay she is." He shrugged a sad look on his face.

Suddenly Blurred Lines was blaring out of my pocket. I struggled to get it out but answered it as quick as I could so as not to wake up Andee.

"Blurred Lines???" Harry quirked a teasing eyebrow. "Really?" I just stuck my tongue out as I brought the phone up to my face.

"Hey LouBoo." I slightly smiled at my own greeting. "What's up???"

"Well we got a text from Harry saying that Andee is really upset so we thought we would get some things for her." Louis explained as to why they still aren't in here. Zayn and Rosie are sitting on the couch and Harry and Niall are standing with me.

"Awww.... You guys are too sweet." I smiled a little again. "She really likes stocking caps if you really wanna cheer her up." I full out smiled now.

"Okay... I will text you if we think of anything else." And with that Louis hung up.


Thirty minutes later Andee had woken up but wasn't talking. She was just staring straight forward and wouldn't acknowledge anyone. I was sitting on my phone, trying to distract myself and humming a random tune. When the boys started singing along with my humming I realized that I was humming a One Direction song without even realizing it.

"Oops... sorry guys." I smiled a little and Andee actually almost smiled. She's cracking!!! Andee is one of those people who believe everything happens for a reason... and even though she doesn't like the outlook of this situation she knows that it was supposed to happen because something good is bound to come out of it. I know she will be smiling soon...

"HONEY I'M HOME!!!" Louis burst through the door, arms literally full with stuffed animals, bags hanging off of both of his arms, balloons tied to him. Liam walked in with another bunch of balloons and lots more bags. Andee actually smiled a little bit. "We figured we should get some things for you... yah know... because we can... and shopping is fun." Louis shrugged as he walked up to the bed he dropped all of the stuffed animals onto Andee's legs and she actually laughed. Then all of the boys proceeded to tying balloons to everything possible. All the machines, her bed, chairs, they were everywhere.

"If we tie anymore to her bed she's going to float away." Niall chuckled as they tied the last balloon on.

"Okay..." Louis and Liam set all of the bags down on the ground. he pulled out all of the One Direction singing dolls. "now you can always have all of us with you!!! And they sing!!!" he squealed as he set them on her lap. She laughed and I started to take them out of the boxes.

"These ones don't sing." Liam set all of the other dolls on her lap.

"We got some whoopee cushions, whistles, clappers, and anything else to cause mischief because that's what we're good at." Niall winked as he set those down in front of her.

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