Chapter Five

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With the road so long, just to reach a camp that might be safe enough for them to hide until they can find out a way out of the whole mess.
During the drive, Katherine had fell asleep while Justin was driving as fast as possible to his campsite so they could sleep for as long as they needed. They ended up stopping at a motel somewhere in Tennessee so Justin could rest for a few hours, and then drive off again.
"We're here." Justin told her as he pulled up o their room.
"We're already in Texas?" She asked. "It's only been a day, I thought it was more than twelve hours to Texas from Amity."
"We are at a motel Katie." He replied. "We're in Tennessee."
"I thought we were at least in Massachusetts." She said as she was starting to grab some energy drink cans. "This car is a wreck."
"This is what happens when you have to drive for at least half of a day." He replied, taking another swig of what was left of his Monster Energy. "Let's get some rest." After he had said that, he unlocked the door, walked in, locked it again, and jumped on the bed and fell asleep faster then you could say Tennessee.

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