Chapter 11

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Don't Hold Back: Chapter 11

~Darion P.O.V.~

"Man what the hell you do now?!" Andre yelled as he ran through the hospital doors

"The nigga came to my house and so I pulled out my gun and shot at random! I was scared as fuck!" I yelled as I threw my hands up in defense

"I get a call sayin Darion be in the hospital and I was scared cause shit we can't lose you. I come down and you ain't even injured! Who you shoot?" He asked as he stood there impatiently

"Jayden. He came to my crib sayin he needs me and givin me a creepy as grin" I said as I sat down in the chair

"Jayden? Where he at?" Andre demanded. Impatient ass bitch.

"Room 12 I think. He ain't in ICU so you can probably see him or some shit. Look I be traumatized so I'm goin home" I said as I dapped him

"Traumatized? Drama queen. You're comin back with me" he grabbed my shoulder and dragged me down the hall to room 12.

"Man I ont wanna go-"

"Sucks. To be you" smart ass. "Aye you got visitors" Dre said as he walked in

"Who is- aye DeAndre" he choked out. He was bandaged around his left arm. Oh well. Niggas know not to show up at my mama's house without tellin me first

"What was you doin at my house this morning?" I asked when I finally found a place to sit in the room

"That's between us." He said without breaking his stare with Andre.

"Nah it's between all of us. Darion belong to the same gang as me so his problems are my problems. What chu want with Darion." Andre spat back at him

"I'm recruiting for a gang." He said without an expression

"You about to get fucked up. Knock that shit out. Cedrick comin back with me. Go near our gang again and see what happens next. Don't try me." Andre nudged my shoulder motioning me to follow him. Jayden didn't say another word. He just sat there watching us leave.

"You think that's the last of him?" I asked as we walked back down the hall

"Nope. I know he finna try us. Look we gotta get to school n tell Chris n Ginot"

"Alright, I'll meet you at school. I'll just trail you" I said as I hopped in my car.

I waited for Andre to pull out first. He sped off down the road and I followed close behind. Talk about a morning, ima have to tell my mama about this one.

~Chris P.O.V.~

"Oh my god Chris! She's so cute!" Tiffany said as she was huggin all up on my pup

"I know huh? She my number one girl" I laughed

"Chris, is that your dog?" Some sophomore asked me

"Hell yeah she is, wanna pet her?" I asked. There were about 10 girls of all grades circlin around me cooin over the pup. I'm lovin it.

Then I seen Chantelle. Man she was the fiiiiiinest junior at this school. I've been tryin to get at her since 7th grade. She ont pay NO attention to me.

"Aye Chantelle! You met my pup?" I asked as she walked by. She just looked at me from head to toe, scoffed then walked away. Bitch. "Well fuck you too" I said under my breath

"The fuck you just say?" She said as she stopped and looked back at me

"I know you heard me since you stopped and had to ask" I handed the leash to some chick and walked over to her

"Boy, I will fuck you up. Don't be startin shit with me." She was def ill tempered and fiesty...only made me want her more

"I'd like to see you try to fuck him up. Chris hold my shit." Ajalae said as she put her books in my arms and put her hair up. Daaaamn, there finna be a fight between two hot girls...i needa record this shit for Andre n Darion

"Ajalae, don't even. Let it go." The voice of reason said.

"Ginot, this girl be sayin she finna fuck Chris up. Hell no-" he grabbed her and pulled her aside

"Wow Chris. Got a girl to handle your problems huh?" Chantelle laughed

"Aye her ass came out of no where." From the corner of my eye I saw Ajalae and Ginot finish talking.

"You want her?" Ginot whispered in my ear

"She a bad one. But damn" I whispered back. I heard a scream an looked back to see Aja beatin the shit out of Chantelle!

"What the fuck!?" Andre yelled as he came runnin up "what happened?!"

"Things went down. Record this shit!" I yelled back. Darion came runnin up and only egged it on more.

"I love how Chantelle ain't doin shit. She just takin in all the punches and kicks" Darion laughed. Darion and Chantelle had so much beef. It was hilarious. "Chantelle! Do something! Lazy ass broad!" Darion yelled at her.

"Alright break it up!" Two yard narks said as they each grabbed the two girls. "Both of you to H5." They dragged them away but Ajalae was just muggin the shit out of her

"Now I know Aja can handle herself when I ain't here" Andre laughed

"That was off the chain, Ima need to get sent to H5. I wanna talk to them, who got a joint on em?" Darion asked

"Here" I handed him one and off he went. I took the pup back from the chick n Ginot, Andre n I started to walk away from the group of girls

"Talk about one hell of a morning. Jayden be in the hospital cause Darion shot him, I get to campus and this went down. We need more mornings like this" Andre lauged

"No kiddin, who's Jayden?" Ginot asked

"Some weird ass gang member tryin to recruit my guys to his gang. Fuckin bullshit, so if y'all see him on our turf, just kill him. I'm gettin sick n tired of his ass. Where Cedrick at?" Andre asked

"Locker rooms talkin to Coach." I said

"Ima talk to him. I'll be right back" Andre jogged off towards the locked rooms.

"That's the first I've ever seen him jog. His ass always walkin n shit" I laughed

"I ont doubt it" Ginot laughed along with me

~Cedrick P.O.V.~

"Thanks Coach. I'll do football next year, but right now I got some family issues going on" I said as I walked out of Coach's office.

With all the gang activity going on, I've been fallin behind in school so I had to quit the football team. Sucks but I can just do it next year

"Sup bro" Andre said as he came walkin up to me

"Oh aye Dre" I was told not to associate with Dre anymore with threat of death

"Man, come back to the gang. Jayden ain't finna do shit. I told him if he did, I'd fuck him up." As nice as that sounds he doesn't know how deep I'm in with the gang.

"I can't just leave." I motioned for him to come closer. He brought his ear to my mouth "there are people all around. Just watching. Making sure I don't mess up. I wanna go back to the gang but I'm just too deep." I took a step back and just watched his black face fill up with anger

"Nah, you're comin back. Tonight. Your ass. The trap. If you're not that, I'm bustin up every trap in LA till I find yours." Andre said

"Good luck with that. See ya." I dapped him and walked away from him.

I felt like I was turning my back on my family. I can't keep doing this. It's killing me slowly and I just can't bare it anymore.

~Ajalae P.O.V.~

So I was sitting in H5. That Chantelle bitch, kept muggin me and it was really pissin me off.

"Quit muggin." I spat at her

"The fuck you going to do?" She said as she cracked her gum

"Beat your ass again. We can go for a damn round 2 if you keep runnin that mouth of yours." She scoffed and turned her head away from me.

That's what I fucking thought.

"Sup Aja" Darion said as he walked in. The hell?

"Why you here?" I asked

"Smokin a joint. Ooooh is that my Chantelle? When my baby finna be born" He laughed

"Fuck you Darion. I ain't havin your baby" She said with attitude

"But I want you to be my baby mama. I need one of them, when you're ready to have my baby, you know how to reach me. I got them sheets with your name on em" He laughed as he fell back in his chair

"Darion you're so fucking stupid. I swear to God" she rolled her eyes. She is really getting on my nerves. Just her overall attitude and appearance was just pissing me off.

"Why do you mess with her?" I asked

"Cause she so funny to irritate. She had a crush on me last year and when I found out she was mad frontin. So I been messin with her ever since" he picked up his chair and sat back down

"Ew. She one of them hood rats you find in ghetto alleys." I said as I took a quick glance at her

"Oh I know. Chris wants all of that. He loves that she bad, I told him no. But he still tryin." He laughed

"Chris needs help. She just gross. How long you in here for?" I asked

"Today and Tomorrow. You?"

"The rest of the week. Then her n I are going to E3 to sit in a room and settle out issues" that was just hella stupid. That wasn't going to make us solve our issues.

"That's dumb but oh well. Ain't my problem!" He lauged

"Darion Michaels, your mother is coming down to get you" one of the advisors said

"Fuck." Darion said as his jaw dropped

"It's just your mom-"

"Nah. You ont even know. How long till she here!?" He asked to advisor

"I'm here. Darion Marcus Lorenzo Michaels. Get your ass in my car. You got to the count of 3." His mama said


"3." Just like that he took off out of the room.

~Darion P.O.V.~

"Why you usin the entire government name?" I asked as I still kept running to my car

"Why you actin a fool in school?" I wasn't expectin a follow up question

"I needed to so-"

"Nah. There ain't no damn reason to be actin up. Get in ya car and get home. I'll deal with you when I get home." She got in her car and sped off back to work. As for me I had to go home.

I blame my future baby mama for all this.

~Chantelle P.O.V.~

"So are you with Andre?" I asked

"Yeah, why do you care?" She spat back.

"Oh well, I saw him flirting with Hope earlier this morning by the band room. I thought you might want to know." I said in the sweetest tone I had

"No he wasn't. He wouldn't do that. We just got back together."

"I've been goin to school with him since forever. I know him very well. And let me just tell you. You have to keep him on the tightest chain otherwise he messes around. But he'll end it with you if you put him on a chain. So being in a relationship ain't his thing. Just be careful." I smacked my lips. Andre didn't do that, but why not mess with a broads mind?

~Andre P.O.V.~
~After School~

"Ginot, I'll meet you at Chris's. We meeting there then goin to the club" I said as I dapped him

"Sounds good. See ya there bro." He walked off and I walked up to H5 waiting for my Aja.

"Aye girl" She pushed passed me and stormed off...the fuck got into her? I saw Chantelle walk out with a smile on her face..."Chantelle, the fuck you do?" I said through gritted teeth

"Absolutely nothing. See you around" she blew me a kiss then walked off.


I jogged up after Aja. Man, all this jogging, i ain't in the shape to constantly be jogging.

"Ajalae, what's up?" I grabbed her arm and she jerked it away

"Nah go ask Hope what's up." She shot back at me. Hope? What she mean Hope?

"Hope? You mean Hope Jones? Girl she a freshman, And I ont even know her" She stopped and gave me that 'nigga please' face.

"You were flirting with her and shit earlier. You thought you were slick and thought I wouldn't find out." Find out? Find out what? I haven't done shit!

"Why you trippin? I haven't done a damn thing! I only asked Hope a question. I asked if she needed help cause she looked lost. That was all." I'm not lyin or anything! I am dead ass serious

"Yeah okay. What ever Andre" She started to walk off

"So now you don't trust me or anything, huh?" I asked as I stood there

"Tell me the truth!" She yelled back as she still continued to walk

"I am!" I yelled

"Okay!" God dammit. I jogged again up to her and stopped right in front of her. "Move." She said sternly

"Make me. I ain't moving till you come to your damn senses." I need Ginot to tell her. Cause he was there.

"Make you? I don't have time. I need to get home." She tried brushing passed me but I only stepped where she stepped. We just got back together after 4 months and she already doin this? Hell no. "Move Andre."


"You're really pissing me off. Just fucking move I have to get home." She said looking at me dead in the eyes

"I'm not losing you again over dumb shit that didn't even happen."

"Alright fine. Just let me go." I stepped aside and she stormed off to her car.

~A Few Hours Later~

I pulled up to her house and saw her dad was pulling out of the drive way.

"Hello Mr.Simmons" I said as I got out of my car

"Hello Andre, you looking for Ajalae huh?" He smiled at me

"You guessed it. She inside?"

"In her room. I'd love to stay and talk but I need to get off to work. See you around"

"See ya" I smiled at him. I honestly loved her Dad. He was the chillest person, never asked questions. Just went along with what ever was goin on.

I walked in and went straight up to her room. It was like 8 o'clock so she should still be up.

I opened the door slowly and walked into her room. I didn't see her at all. I looked towards her bathroom and the door was shut and I could hear the shower turn off.

I walked to her bed and just laid down looking up at her ceiling, waiting for her to come out.

~10 Minutes Later~

"Aye baby" I smirked as she came out in shorts and a tank top. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel and she just looked surprised.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I wanted to come see my wifey. Why else would I be here?"

"I'm still mad at you." She said as she crossed her arms across her chest

"Why? I didn't do nun. Don't believe what others told you. That shit ain't true. Yee I fucked up once but I learned my lesson."

"Alright fine. I'm sorry." She said hangin her head low

"Awh, girl it's fine. Just don't be like them bitches who flip out when they hear they man sat on the same bench with another broad." I opened up my arms and she filled the space

"You're right, I really am sorry. I'm still havin a lil trust issues after the whole ordeal."

"That's fine. I ont blame you. Just don't let it run you." I kissed her cheek

"I won't, now you need to go. I need to get to bed" she smiled

"I just drove all the way over here. I ain't leaving till tomorrow morning" I flipped over onto my side and pulled her blanket up over us

"Alright, good night Andre" she gave me a soft kiss then closed her eyes.

"Good night ma" I closed my eyes and within a few seconds both of our soft snores filled her room.

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