Chapter 26

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Don't Hold Back: Chapter 26

~Andre P.O.V.~

I walked back down the hall to the waiting room where I saw Chris and Darion.

"Aye man you alright!?" Chris asked as he jumped up and walked up to me

"I'm fine, but I don't know about Ajalae. They took her to ICU and I haven't been able to see her or talk to her doctor." I sighed as I took a seat next to Darion

"What happened?" Darion asked not breaking his stare from whatever he was focused on

"She wanted to go home and lay down for a bit so I took her home. I get a text sayin she still in a pain so I get to the house and I told her we were going to the hospital to make sure everything okay. I get her outside and someone called my name. There was a gun shot but I wasn't hit and I'm not sure if Ajalae was. All I know is she blacked out and I got her here."

"You don't know if she was shot? Was there blood anywhere?" Chris asked

"I don't know. I wasn't focused on that, I just got her in the car and got her here."

"Her Dad know?" Darion asked

"Nah, I'm not tellin him until Aja gives me the okay. She hates to make him worried."

"Who shot?"

"Sounded like Jayden but again, I wasn't focused on that"


"I need to speak with any family member of Ajalae Simmons" A doctor said as he walked into the waiting room. I got up and walked up to him

"I'm family, is she-"

"We're going to need to do an emergency C-Section in order to save the baby. Ajalae isn't breathing on her own and it's affecting the baby." Those words stabbed me. "Are you the father of the baby?"

"Yes I am"

"You can come back with me." He started to walk back through the halls and I willingly followed.

~Chris P.O.V.~

"Where did he go?" I asked as I looked down the hall to see Andre following a doctor

"I don't know, but I think you and I should go get the guys and just end Jayden." He said through gritted teeth

"Let's go. Fuck what Dre says, we waited and look what happened. Call up Cedrick and tell him to let everyone know we're going now." He pulled out his phone and started talking to Cedrick. We jogged out of the hospital to his car and quickly sped off.

"What if he already left? How are we going to find him?" Darion asked. I didn't think about that. What's Chastity's number?" He passed his phone to me and I quickly called her up.

*Phone Convo*

Chastity: Hello?

Me: Aye it's Chris, look we got a situation. Ajalae in the hospital and I think Jayden shot her. Can you find out where he is and make sure he doesn't leave.

Chastity: I haven't talked to him in a while but I'll try, Is she okay?

Me: We don't know. But when you find out where he is, text it to Darion aight?

Chastity: Alright

*End Of Phone Convo*

"Cedrick said he was already at the trap and is getting everything ready." I nodded my head and sat back in the seat anxiously.

~Ginot P.O.V.~

I had just gotten out of the hospital not too long ago and I got the call that said we were going to go after Jayden.

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