Chapter 9

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Sorry I didn't post the other night I was watching a movie and fell asleep but today I am definitely posting because I didn't the other night but that's chill anyway here's the story
Jen was at the penalty box putting up some tennis racks and Jude skated in. "Hey dude what ya doin'?" Asked Jude.  Jen said, "just putting tennis racks away." Jen didn't even realize it was Jude she wasn't paying any attention. " so uh wanna go and get some food later?" Asked Jude. After Jude asked her out again she realized it was actually Jude she squealed and said yes. She cleared her throat then said in a more calmly fashion, "sure." Jude said, " awesome I'll pick you up after your shift," and Jude left. After Jude left Jen squealed and knew he was gonna be a great boyfriend.
       Wyatt was sitting at Grind Me sad and upset. He has been drinking a lot of coffee he had three so far. He was still mourning over the date he had with Cate last night. Jonesy walked in and said, " there you are dude! I have been looking all over for you."  "Well I'm right here," said Wyatt. "What's up with you dude, you have been super upset lately," asked Jonesy. "I'm not supposed to tell you but me and cate when on a date," "Dude that's great!" Jonesy interrupted. " yeah well it didn't end great, she was giving me signs to kiss her and I wanted to wait till the end of the movie to kiss her and I didn't kiss her and I am pretty sure she thinks I don't like her," said Wyatt. "Dude when a girl is giving you hints you gotta go for it, why stay on first base when coach is wavin you to second?" Said Jonesy. "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard," said Wyatt. "But it makes sense," said Jonesy. "It doesn't matter I blew it," said Wyatt.  "Dude that kind of attitude is why you cant get any girls," Jonesy said. "Wow thanks Jonesy I really appreciate the positive speech," replied Wyatt sarcastically. "Look dude I am just saying you really need to stop being wimpy, sad, can't-get-a-girl, Wyatt and become strong, positive, can-get-any-girl wyatt, kind of like me," said Jonesy with a smug smile. "Yeah you are right except I don't wanna be like you," said Wyatt. "But your right I need to go ask her out again and go for it this time!" "That's the spirit go get 'em dude!" Said Jonesy. Wyatt walked out of Grind Me with confidence and Jonesy left to the lemon.
           Cate was at the lemon and Nikki walked up. "Hey what's up? Is everything okay? You look kinda sad," said Nikki. Cat e then bursts out crying and said, "Me and Wyatt went on a date and I blew it!" Cried Cate. "Woah, wait, you... And Wyatt?" Asked Nikki. "Yes Me and Wyatt!!" Cried Cate. "And I blew it," "how?" Asked Nikki trying to comfort Cate even though she though Cate was being over-dramatic. "I was giving Wyatt hints to kiss me because I really want him too and he didn't I didn't give enough hints, He just left after our movie," Said Cate. "Ouch!" Said Nikki. That wasn't the right thing to say because after Cate finally stopped crying Nikki said that and started crying all over again. "It's ok Cate it was probably nothing I'm sure he will ask you on another date," said Nikki. Nikki was thinking this is crazy Wyatt and Cate? She didn't say how out loud how crazy she though it was but she thought it was crazy. "No according to (I don't know any magazine names from the show) Tiger Beat if a boy doesn't ask you out on a second date within 12 hours they won't ask you out again and it's been like 16 hours!" Cried Cate. Nikki roles her eyes "What does a stupid magazine know? I bet he will ask you out today," Said Nikki trying to cheer her up. "You think so?" Asked Cate. "Yeah for sure," said Nikki. Cate stopped crying and said, "Thanks Nikki." "Yeah well I have to go or else the stupid clones will bug me forever," said Nikki. "Bye" said Cate. "See ya," said Nikki. And Nikki left.

A/N hey it's a longer chapter because I really haven't done much and I said five but I haven't really written because I am gonna be honest I forgot but hope you guys like the chapter and honestly sorry if it's much of the same thing I am having a block but I will put something new up today or tomorrow and this is the truth I swear. I don't know if I should put more than just kissing in here or not you guys tell me if you want smut or not. Anyways peace out guys and have a great day.

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