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Leader - Stonestar - gray tom, amber  eyes 

Deputy- Badgerclaw- black and white tom, green eyes 

Medicine cat- Aspenberry- tortoiseshell and white she cat, amber eyes, very young 


Mistyflame- dark gray she cat, amber eyes

Graywhisker- gray striped tom, amber eyes, Apprentice Dustpaw

Echofoot- black and white she cat, blue eyes

Darkpelt- black tom, white tail tip, amber eyes 

Pinetail- dark brown tabby tom, green eyes, Apprentice Ravenpaw

Stormfall- light gray tom, dark gray belly and tail tip, dark amber eyes 

Mudpelt- dark muddy brown tom, green eyes 


Ravenpaw- black tom, green eyes

Dustpaw- brown tabby tom, green eyes 


Flowerdapple- tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes, mother of Badgerclaw's kits: Oakkit (brown tabby she cat, green eyes) and Shadekit (calico she cat, green eyes) 

Silvershine- gray tabby she cat, blue eyes mother of Pinetail's kits: Stormkit (dark gray  tom, gray belly and tail tip blue eyes), Adderkit (brown tabby tom green eyes), Rowankit (brown and white she  cat, green eyes) 

Sparrowflight- dark ginger she cat expecting Mudpelt's kits 


Toadpelt- brown tom, green eyes

Flamestorm- ginger tom, green eyes

Pineheart- black she cat, blue eyes

Gorsefire- brown tabby tom, green eyes 


Leader- Flowerstar- brown and white she cat 

Deputy-  Honeystorm- pale ginger she cat  

Medicine cat- Berrylight- cream and pale ginger spotted she cat 


Tigerfoot- brown tabby tom 

Cinderfur- gray tom

Fawnstep- brown tabby she cat 

Larkstorm - gray tabby she cat 

Leafheart- light brown tabby tom 


Squirrelpaw- ginger she cat

Pinepaw- black she cat 


Leaflight- light brown and white spotted she cat 

Hollypool - black she cat


Leader - Lilystar- light brown tabby she cat 

Deputy - Stormclaw- gray tabby tom

Medicine cat- Sweetberry - cream she cat  


Troutclaw- gray tom

Grassflight- pale brown tabby she cat 

Littleflame- small ginger tabby she cat 

Brackenstripe- brown tabby tom 

Flowerstep- tortoiseshell and white she cat 

Grayheart- gray tom 


Shimmerpaw- black she cat 

Swiftpaw- brown tom 


Honeyheart- ginger she cat with white splotches 


Oakstream - brown she cat 


Leader- Swiftstar- brown tom 

Deputy- Birdwing- black and white she cat 

Medicine cat- Morningpetal- calico she cat 


Dustfire- brown tom 

Thrushflight- pale ginger tom

Petalnose- pale creamy brown she cat 

Heatherpool- brown tabby she cat

Grasspelt- brown tom 


Flamepaw- orange she cat 

Berrypaw- cream she cat 


Springpool- brown she cat 

Larkwhisper- brown tabby and white she cat 


Hawkspring-  brown tom

Flowerpelt- gray tabby she cat 

Cats outside the clans 

Pearl- white she cat 

Dusty- brown tom 

Silverclaw- dark gray tom, amber eyes

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now