chapter 10

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chapter 10

(( the pic of the girl on the side is Rory, just imagine her with blood red hair))

"are you dating that pretty blonde girl you mentioned you kind of liked that one time" I ask him as we walk towards his house.

"um, no. I talked to her once, and it made me realize me and her just aren't...compatible I guess is the word" he told me.  " like, she is just the opposite of me.  And she can be annoying"

"so the real reason is she gets on your nerves" I sum up.

"Pretty much" he grinned.

We continue walking side by side.

" hey, Derek man" a voice called.

I look across the street and see Sean and two other (really attractive) guys running across the street towards Derek and I.

"hey guys" Derek said nervously.

"So this is what you're doing, instead of going to the party tonight? Hanging with this...thing"? Snickered the taller one of the two guys Sean was with.

Thing? This guy couldn't even say girl?  Am I that much of a reject, that people have to mock me in my presence?  All I know is, that I already hate this one guy. 

Maybe I deserve this somehow...

My arm itched for release.  I needed...something. 

Sean hit him upside the head, shaking his own head and mumbling something.

Derek looked embarrassed, like he wanted to run as far away as he could.  I can't blame him one bit.

"Yeah," Derek told him clearing his voice. "but, one question.  What do you mean by 'this thing'"? He asked the taller guy. 

The taller guy gave Derek this 'duh' look, resulting in Derek raising an eyebrow.

I roughly scratched my nails onto my wrist, creating a 'calm' effect. 

Tall guy rolled his eyes, "this loser.  She giving you a half priced blow job, or something"? He joked.

I looked down, bile rising in my throat.

 I wish the ground could just swallow me up.

I needed something more.  I took my jackets zipper and hastily started creating harsh friction.

"" Sean trailed off, seeming stunned that his friend was, I guess that rude towards someone.

Derek halted abruptly.

My wrist is sore and red. 

"don't, John" Derek snarled at the tall mean guy.

"what, it's not like it isn't the truth" John joked.

I need something more...

Derek pushed John's chest hard, causing him to step back to catch his balance.

"what the fuck, man" John barked.

"don't ever, talk about Rory that way" Derek growled.

John gulped, looking into Derek's harsh cold eyes spearing into him.

"If I ever hear anything about Rory coming out of your mouth again..." Derek trailed off, taking all his strength and punching John square in the jaw.

I gulp for air, there was a crack sound and everybody froze, watching John fall to the concrete. 

"come on, baby doll" Derek said, before grabbing my hand in his hold and rushing me off away from those guys.

He took me into a dark alley so we could catch our breaths.

"I am so sorry 'bout that" he said glumly.

"its fine.  I should be used to it" I told him, pretending to brush it off.

"No.  You shouldn't.  No one should" he said indefinitely, looking me straight in the eye.

"We should really get to my place if we want to watch that movie" he smiled.

I nodded, agreeing with him.


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