Chapter 2: The Adventure

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Jason awoke with a sudden realization that he had last eaten since the ship wreck a long time ago. The ship wreck he thought ! " MOM AND DAD I HOPE THEIR ALL RIGHT I CAN JUST IMAGINE THEM WORRIED SICK ABOUT ME WHAT AM I GOING TO DO". At that moment he knew he had to find the captain of the ship who had saved him and sunk with him. His brain hurt from all this thinking and so he opened his eyes and saw he was lying on a hammock which scared him a little because he last remember hearing the sweet voice of a girl that sounded around his age. He looked around and saw a bonfire and three logs in a perfect triangle around it (CONFIRMED!!!).He heard something that sounded like a tiger or lion roaring in went like ggggggrrrrrrrrooooooowwwwwwllllllllllllll. He got scared and felt a motion in his shirt and with great relief he realized that the roar was coming from his stomach as he was pondering how he would get food...

The beautiful girl whom he saw before fainting came up to him and said hi how are you we really don't get many visitors here, well any really because this is a deserted island. To that news Jason;s face turned white and he almost fainted again but it was probably 90% from the lack of food or water he had. So as he was about to Martin came in and gave him a cooked salmon fully boned on a stone plate that looked surprisingly clean and Jason didn't even care if he didn't know these people he just ate and ate until he was full which the after he had some water from a local stream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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