vi: t.s.d.

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I walk into school, more than a million pairs of eyes on me as the door slams shut behind me. The roar of Harry's sports car speeding away down the street doesn't help my case either. I'm slightly out of uniform, and probably look disheveled. The attention isn't wanted right now, that's for sure.


Ashley comes from my right, taking my arm and dragging me right into the girl's bathroom. I sigh in relief at her touch, missing her motherly companionship. She takes out her purse, sitting me down on one of the dirty sinks and working on my face.

"Wow, look at you," she whispers, "what happened last night, did a train pass through your bedroom?"

"More like a dick in my asshole and a hand on my dick..." I mutter, and her eyes widen.

"You got laid?!"

"Shhh!" I exclaim, covering her mouth as she continues to squeal behind my hand.

"Oh my god!" Her voice is muffled but still loud, so I squeeze tighter and she quiets down, "Niall who did you have sex with?!"

"I'll tell you soon, I promise," I tell her as she powders my worn out face.

"I should have known!" She goes on, "Your face looks so sexed out!"

"Oh god, shut up," I groan, "I can't even believe what's happened. It all just went into action too quickly."

"Do you regret it?"

"No..." I breathe, "not a damn second."

The warning bell rings and Ashley collects her things before helping me off the sink. We both walk out of the bathroom, phones in hand and chins tilted high.

"Derek's been missing you," she cooes, "he senses that you're a bit distant. I swear he has a huge crush on you, and won't talk about it."

"Well it looks like he's going to kill his own game," I mutter, turning the corner to another hallway, "I don't do crushes, remember?"

"Right," she snorts, "Mr. You're In or You're Out."

"It's not like that," I roll my eyes, "it's more like...I don't take conformation from a crush. Ha--this person I met this weekend, he was very straightforward about it. No funny business. He got right down to business, and in the best way too..."

"Well I'm glad for you," she nudges my side with a smile, "you look happier."

"I feel happier," I grin back, "honestly, he's perfect."

"You're happy until you get in too deep."

I glare at her, throwing her an agonized 'what gives?' look before she shrugs and begins to lecture,

"I love you this happy as well, but don't look too deep into it, yes?"

"I won't, I won't," I promise her just as my body collides with another. I see bouncy blonde curls as I fall right on my sore ass. I wince as Ash helps me up, only to be met with the familiar icy blue eyes of the devil. Of all people I had to run into, it had to be Amber?

"Watch where you walk Niall," she snaps, "do you even know how to walk?"

It takes all the willpower in the world not to lunge at her. Ashley is gripping my arm tightly as a warning. A warning that she will stop at nothing to get me out of a fight with Amber and her snooty rich parents. We all know who wins when money gets added to the equation.

Your GPA is higher than hers, your GPA is higher than hers...

"Yes Amber, I do know how to walk," I say calmly, "I think it's just a matter of you knowing how to walk in those hooker heels."

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