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Jamie got arrested. I have not talked to her since chirstmas. Ross I forgave. He said he never liked her. She's just not a narwhal. He jokes. I have a quick sly smile. Thanks ross. No problem. He smirks. But why did u kiss back? Cause your sister is strong and she was giving me the death stare the whole time . He said shaking. I laughed. But I have a question for you ! He smiles. Yessss! Do you like Max or me? My smile turns into a frown. Ross I like. I start then hear. HEY WAS UP! Max screams. Today I'm Volging and where going to see a beautiful person Ivy. I blush heya! Well at least she not mad! I gave him a look. Hey Ivy are you going to dinner with the gang Ivy? Yay! Ok.

That night at dinner.
Sos Rot! Do you like the new gal. Asked John. Ye. Hannah. Aw she beautiful! Screamed Ross. Heys Johns ares you looking at others women. Asked telisha. No just asking Rots a question. Hannah walks in . Hi. She giggles. She blows a kiss at Ross. She sits next him. I him glare. Mason giggles. Soon the waiter and took our orders. Ronny! I give him a hug. Hey Ivy I haven't seen you since collage. Ronny said. So what's your order. Is that Adam. Skydoesminecraft! Yay. Ronny hey. Ronny here is a YouTuber himself now. I tell Adam. Oh since Jamie's in jail how bout we add him. Asked Faithlin giving him a hug. Adam gives him a hug too. I look at adam. Yes that be awesome old friend in the office. Says Adam.

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