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When I woke up this morning it was abnormally quiet, Hoseok wasn't even in bed when I woke up. I looked at the clock, it was 7:15 in the morning and Hoseok left already, it was odd to me; I rolled out of bed anyway and started getting ready for the wedding that I had been booked for last second yesterday; it wasn't necessarily odd for someone to do that with me since I'm normally open to do a lot of things on any day of the week. I after I finished getting dressed I fixed my hair really fast because it got a bit of static from when I pulled my dress over my head; I had a bit of trouble zipping the zipper because Hoseok wasn't there to help me, I worked with it though, I got it done and put my leather jacket on; when I finished fixing my hair I walked out to the kitchen to find something to eat, but when I went to open the fridge I found a sticky note on the handle, I picked it off and read it.

"Had to go into work a bit earlier today, I'm going out for drinks with my boss after work so I'll be home late, love you.

-Hobi ♥"

I sighed and crumpled the note in my hand; I didn't like it when Hobi drank, he turns into a different person when he drinks, he gets a bit violent and can't watch his mouth when he has alcohol in his system, he doesn't scare me when he does drink, but it makes me worry about him because what he could do or say; I opened the fridge door and pulled out whatever seemed appealing to eat that morning, I hopped up on to the counter so I could grab a plate, when I got the plate down I just stayed on the counter and sat down on it so I could dish up the amount that I wanted to eat and put it in the microwave to heat it up; as I was waiting for the microwave I started to swing my legs and look at my phone to see if there was any new updates for me to look at, there wasn't much to look at considering that all of the cool stuff happens around noon and not seven in the morning; when the microwave went off I hopped off of the counter and popped the door to the microwave. I grabbed a clean fork out of the clean side of the sink and started eating quickly because I wanted to have enough time to wash the dishes, do my makeup, curl my hair, and to all of my camera checks before I made the hour commute to the wedding hall the couple was having their wedding. While I was eating I was making sure to not get any food on my dress because the cream color would be ruined by an orange colored liquid and no one wants that on their clothes so I took extra precaution while I was eating to make sure that I got nothing on myself; by the time I had finished eating it was 7:45 and I quickly washed the dishes because I needed to start on my hair and makeup otherwise I would be late to the shoot and the wedding, I actually almost didn't bother with the dishes, but I would have been mad at myself for not doing them when I got home later so I just did them now instead of later. When I walked into the bathroom I almost screamed because of how messy it was, there was laundry and towels all over the floor, plus Hoseok left all of his stuff out on the counter, from his toothbrush to his cologne, all of it was on the counter, I internally groaned at the sight and grabbed all of his stuff quickly to put it all in his drawer. I bent down a bit to get my makeup bag out and my curling iron out and plugged in on to the counter. When I started to do my makeup I got a text from someone, who was most likely Hoseok making sure I was up. When I actually checked the message it was from my client telling me that I got an extra hour to get ready because her dress was still being fixed up a bit from someone spilling something on it, I just replied with a thank you and continued to put the makeup on my face; now when it comes to me and doing eyeliner, I'm basically a toddler learning how to color in the lines, but with harsh black and an eye that can easily be stabbed, but today it went smoothly and I didn't mess up on it once and they were decently even to each other. I finished up all of my makeup and started on my hair, now this is a process, my hair is long, not thick, but there's just a lot of it so it's a process in itself. I didn't bother putting hair spray in my hair, it was pointless for me to do it, hair spray never has and never will hold in my hair, so I just never buy it or use it; it took an hour to finish my hair, right when I finished it I turned off the iron and unplugged it from the outlet and walked out of the bathroom to get my camera, it was on the living room in it's bag, I pulled it out quickly and turned it on to see how much battery I had left in it, it was surprisingly low, so I turned it off and just started checking everything else, making sure the lens wasn't cracked or scratched, that none of my buttons were sticking, stuff like that. I made sure that my charger was in the bag before I went to grab backup lenses for my camera just in case they wanted different types of looking photos, I put the camera back in the bag and zipped it up, I made sure my phone was in my jacket pocket and picked up my camera back to get my keys off of the island in the kitchen; when I left I made sure that I locked the door behind me and headed down stairs to the parking garage so I could start my commute to the wedding venue. The parking garage was a lot busier than normal, so I almost got hit by two people who were in a hurry to get somewhere, I pressed the button on my key fob to unlock my car, I heard the beep noise it made when the doors were unlocked and when I got there I opened the door and got in, I placed my camera bag on the passenger seat before I shut my door. I started my car and put on my seat belt, I sat there for a minute so I could plug both my camera and phone into my car chargers before I cautiously pulled out of my parking spot. When I got on to the streets I headed for the highway because the venue was in a further part of Seoul, it would be a thirty minute drive if there was no traffic, but it's Seoul so there's traffic no matter the time of the day, so there was a lot of sitting in traffic and trying to entertain myself without making it seem weird to the other people next to me. When I officially got to the venue the bride had just got there herself, I arrived earlier than I was supposed to, so when we got inside I decided to help her and her wedding party get ready, which didn't take as long as I expected to, the bride had her hair and makeup done already so all I really had to help with was putting on her dress, and moral support because she started crying when she saw herself in her dress, I just smiled at her reaction because I didn't know what to do, I've never had to be someones emotional support on their wedding because I'm normally at least five minutes late to the shoot or they were ready already when I got there on time. I asked my normal questions to the bride after her crying stopped, they all had something to do with me taking the photos and when they'd like their photos printed. She gave me the answers and realized that after the full shoot was over I'd have to go to the studio and print them out in order for them to get their pictures when they wanted them; the shoot started when people started walking down the aisle, I got everyone's photos before the bride started walking down the isle, I moved so I could get all good shots of her because no one wants to be pictured as a potato on their wedding day... unless they like looking like a potato. The shoot seemed to go on forever, but I got some interesting shots during the ceremony, one of my favorites was the flower girl trying to secretly pick her nose, it made me giggle when I caught it. At the end of the ceremony I got their kiss, and them running down the aisle together as a newly wed couple, it made me wish that I didn't wear heels today. The next part of the shoot was outside, I had to take individual photos of the wedding party and whoever their partner was, the bride and groom, and then finally I got to take a group photo of everyone, they all thanked me when I finished, and I headed to my car to start heading back to Seoul to get their photos printed out, so in turn I sat through another hour of traffic to get to the shop, right when I got inside the shop I ran to my computer and connected my camera and started dragging all of the photos I needed to on to a template to have all of the specific photos in specific orders so it didn't look like they were thrown together in a rush. Four times I almost put photos of myself and Hoseok into the template, I stopped myself before it happened, but that's what I get when I let Hoseok take photos of me and himself, though the photos of Hoseok and I were a bit risque for the public eye to see, but none the less I got the photos sent to my printer, I sprinted back there to get all of the photos into an envelope, just to sprint back to my computer to shut it off and to grab my camera. I had done all of the printing and template clicking and dragging in 30 minutes, it was an in and out for me for once. The traffic had died down during my third commute, so instead of an hour in traffic I spent 45 minutes in traffic, I arrived back at the venue right when the wedding reception started, so I just waited at the door while their wedding parties were doing their speeches, however when they ended I quickly walked over to the bride and grooms table to give them their photo packet and the bride pulled my pay out of her dress, I smiled awkwardly and left; after the wedding I decided to go see my friend Jin who I hadn't seen in awhile, but even with the drive being short and on my way, he wasn't home, so I texted him.

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