The talk

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I came into Jc's room to see him quickly hide something in his drawer. 

"oh um Jc is now a bad time"I asked

Jc shook his head "no what's up?" he sat on the bed and I sat next to him

"Can we talk? About Aubrey.."

Jc nodded and I smiled

"well I was wondering if u want to like come with us every now and then to help out with her" 

Jc nodded again "Yeah of course"

I smiled again

"So like are u asking me out?" he chuckled

I blushed "Noo I'm just asking u to be there for the baby and yeah but if u want to then-"

I was cut off by the feeling of soft lips on mine i kissed back with so much passion and tears running.

"I'm yours okay?" Jc said

I cried tears of joy then nodded "yes!" and kissed him again getting on top of him.

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