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"Anything else I can do for you, Mr.Styles?" My personal assistant, Karla asks, barely standing inside of my office with arms full of files and folders.

I look up at her messy hair and tired eyes. Pitiful. Shaking my head at her appearance, I roll my eyes and decide to be nice. "No, go ahead and finish up what you've got," I say. I'm way too kind.

I watch as her eyes light up and she smiles gratefully. "Thank you, Sir, oh and I forgot to tell you, you have two visitors downstairs, Mr and Mrs. Winsley."

Upon hearing this, I immediately stand up to fix my tie. Mr and Mrs Winsley are two of my very close friends and business partners. I don't say anything to Karla before walking past her to the elevator and meeting my guests.

"Harold!" I am immediately greeted by Angela Winsley, a beautifully aged woman with close to no wrinkles. 

I smile, shaking her soft hand with a slight hug and do the same with Mr.Winsley. "How are you both?" I ask, genuinely pleased that they have came to visit Styles Enterprises.

I watch as they both look at each other with uneasiness and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Well," Jeff Winsley starts, licking his chapped lips. "Can we sit down first?"

I nod, directing them up the elevator and into the office. Of course they know the way, though. They have become family to me over the years and were nothing but kind when I was just an 18 year old boy taking over my father's renowned hotel business. Jeff and Angela were my only supporters after my father passed. I am more than thankful.

After we sit down and I make them a cup of tea, Angela smiles warmly at me. "Since you are one of our very trusted friends, we have a small request.."

"Of course! Anything!" I immediately say. They have helped me unconditionally when I needed it the most. I will do anything to pay them back, undoubtedly.

"Well, you see, we are going to Paris for the summer to launch our new clothing line, and Poppy, our daughter, you remember Poppy right? Well, she doesn't want to go. She wants to stay here, but the thing is, we do not trust just anyone to watch over her, and we were wondering if maybe you could maybe check in on her while we're gone? If not it's alright! We just trust you the most."

Angel, huh? No way in hell. Poppy will be an angel when hell freezes over. There is no way that small, Bubblegum popping brat is an angel. Anything but. 

I have met Poppy a handful of times, and she is the most self-centered, spoiled brat I have ever met. She resembled nothing of her parents and only seemed to care about herself. 

When I first met her, she was thirteen years old with beautiful, yet cold eyes. She looks almost identical to her mother, but looks were about the only positive thing she inherited.

"Surely the maid can keep an eye on her?" I laugh uneasily, sweat forming. There is no way I'm going to watch over that little mutt. I have enough grey hairs.

"Well.. The thing is.. Rosa is on bedrest, she just had a beautiful baby boy!" Angela exclaims, smiling widely. Great. My smile is now forced.

"Named him Jonathan! Oh he is so adorable," Jeff continues.

God dammit Harry, the family has done so much for you. One summer with the pest. One summer. You've got to repay them somehow. It is just one small act of kindness to show some appreciation.. Well, maybe not small...

"She can't go to Paris with you?" I say, gritting my teeth. Stop it Harry stop it. You owe them. Shut up inner Harry! Poppy is a demon from hell! A debit card swiping, lipgloss popping, and gum smacking demon!

"She wants to stay in California for the summer with her friends, she doesn't like Paris too much, weird right? What child wouldn't want to go to Paris? But that's our Poppy," Jeff chuckles.

Yes sadly that's your  Poppy, a spoiled rotten brat!

But you owe them Harry. They have helped you for many years. It's just one task. She won't ask for anything, anyway, she'll be busy shopping or something.

I want to rip my hair out at my final decision. "Okay, I'll do it. Do you have any special requirements?"

"Yay! Thank you Harold! This means so much to us, you're a dear," Angela says. I force myself to smile. "Anyway, there are some requirements.

1. ) Poppy needs to always have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes she forgets to eat and her doctor says it's highly unhealthy. Maybe just check in on her throughout the day to make sure she is following through?

2.) Also, Poppy is seven-teen, and does have her learners permit but if she goes anywhere, she needs to have you in the passenger seat. She isn't old enough for her license.

3.) She's allergic to nuts, doesn't like any kind of seafood, and could probably eat 10 gallons of frozen yogurt.

4.) Always know where she is going, and make sure she gets home safely. You don't have to live there if you don't want, but there's a spare bedroom on the second floor close to Poppy's if need be.

5.) Yes, I know, Poppy can be a handful, but if you get to know her personally, she will loosen up. If there are any problems, you know who to call."

I sigh deeply, taking in all of that information. This is a lot to take in, but it's worth it. Angela and Jeff have been nothing but kind to me since my father passed away. It was just one task.

I slowly nod and sigh once again. "Okay, I'll do it."


Hey guys! That was chapter one. And I hope you liked it, if not, I'm sorry I tried my best. Anyway, here is the beginning, and you will be introduced to poppy soon! Before we start, I'd like you to know there's a reasoning behind Poppy's actions and even if you don't like her at first, I'm sure you'll warm up to her eventually. Put yourself in her shoes and don't just judge her because she's a rich spoiled brat. I promise there's more to her haah.

Also, Harry feels like he owes a lot to the Winsley's for sorta taking him in when his father died and helping him start the family business. So that's why he's taking in such a hard task.

Anyway! I hope you like it :) new chapter will be posted shortly.

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