Chapter 5: uh oh: Brick

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Author's note:
I'm SO SORRY for not updating my stories. It has been a long Long LONG time from the last update of this story,
because I had too much work to do. But since I'm done with that, I can UPDATE MY STORY!!!! SO HERE IT IS!:

That Night......

Boomer: OK. Brick. What you said about " don't focus about the bad " I did but guess what..... I got in trouble!

Brick: yeah but-

Butch: I know you try to help but it's not working. Just forget about the Punky girls and they will forget you.  *pats Brick's back and went to bed *

Brick: Maybe Butch is right. Besides, those Punk-Jerks know that all boy are better than girls.

Next Day...
In art

Ms. Keane: Ok class time for art! Today is about how you feel. Draw you emotions. Get to work!

Brute: yo girls check this out. *made a paper airplane*

Brat and Berserk: oooooooo😮😮

* Brute throws it in the air gliding, and land on brick head (by accident)*

Brick: huh? *looks up at his head*

Brute: *giggles*

Brick: oh well! *takes the airplane off his head, crumbled it and put it on his side of the group desk*

Brat: Make another one! *winks*

*Brute makes another airplane and then throws it landing in front of brick*

Brick: *rolls his eyes while crumbling the airplane* *sighs*

*Brute makes ANOTHER paper airplane, this time it pokes Brick in the eye*

Brick: OW!! *turns to Brute *Look, can you stop?!

Brute: I'm sorry. *looks at Berserk and Brat*

*Brick ignores*

Brute: Look I said I'm sorry
* Pokes Brick *
Hello?! Hello?! Hey, Hey, Hey Hey------- *Poking Brick*

Brick: Stop It!

*Brute looks at Brick*

Brute: Hey! *pokes Brick*, Hey!  *pokes Brick* Hey! *pokes Brick*, Hey!  *pokes Brick*, Hey!  *pokes Brick*, Hey! *pokes Brick*, Hey!  *pokes Brick* Hey! *pokes Brick*, Hey! *pokes Brick*

Boomer: Can you guys be quite?!
*knowtice Brick getting angry*

Butch: Brick. *feels Brick hand*
Oh no.

Blossom: Oh no?

Buttercup: That doesn't sounds like a good thing...

Boomer: It's not

Bubbles: what happened?


Bubbles: What does that mean

Buttercup: Whatever it is, we have to do something, QUICK!

Blossom: Brick. Just don't listen to her. Do listen of any of them.

Bubbles: *talking to Brute * HEY! You leave him alone, meanie!

Boomer and Butch: YEAH!

Buttercup: Its not working!

Blossom: We got to keep trying.

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