I was tagged by CrystalBlaze30 in When I Die-a Travlyn story

2.7K 49 46

1. Age/ B-day

June 26 2003. Almost 13

2.What ur Appearance

light brown with mermaid blue streaks hair its little shorter than a bob cut I'm skinny and i have long legs.

3. What is a horrible hobby you have

Watching Anime and then fangirling really hard....

4.Do you u have a relation ship or crushes.

I have a boyfriend....

5. What is ur most embarrassing moment.

*sigh* I was at a water park and I had tripped on something and i didn't want to fall on ma face so i tried to grab something and I did and that something was..... the women in front of me's butt..... my friend started to freak out.....

6. Do u have any secrecy books

I use to have dairy... but I burned it........

7. What are ur pet peeves

when something isn't symmetrical in mine craft, when someone dosnt close the door to my room when they leave, when the volume on something isn't a even number theres more but lets not get too into that.

8. What ur fav game.


9. What are ur OTP's

Arrmau, Travlyn, Jelsa(Jack frost X Elsa), Kenalym, Dante~Chan, DanCole, , Garmau, Larmau, Alein(Levin X Alixis)

That all hope u guys are enjoying the story and I Tag HelenaFloreMantilla, Aarmau_is_bae122 and JennyDominguezPerez

And THANK YOU for the 1k reads :))))

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