chapter 1; fake hoes

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I quietly hummed along to the song that was playing in my ear buds while tidying up before my client got home

I've been working in my mother's cleaning service with my older sisters for just about 5 years now ever since I was 12 and business has been slowing down a bit so every chance we get we need to the best job so we can get tips from our wealthy clients. Considering work is crucial we will take any job there is, no matter how far away or how long we have to do it for, we take it.

Ever since my mother passed away and considering my dad was never in my life, my sisters cherish and protect me because I'm the youngest. They don't let me do more than a certain amount of hours in a day because they want me to mainly focus on school work and getting an education

I was interrupted from my trance from the front door opening and a women in her 30s with a chanel purse and obvious plastic surgery walked in with her little Yorke terrier on a pink sparkly leash.

"Sorry. My yoga class ran late" she said as she quickly picked the dog up, unhooked the leash and let her roam freely

"Oh its alright Mrs Turner" I say as I gather my things

"Oh and Graciela, is it?" I mentally rolled my eyes

"Alexandria, actually mrs"

"Oh right" she rolled her eyes and went back to blabbing her bright pink mouth "my neighbor saw the work that you do here and was very impressed..." hoe don't say it "he was wondering if you would be able to stop by his house to see if you'd be eligible to work for him" oh my god

"Thank you very much for the recommendation but I'll have to check in with my sisters if I would be able to.

"Okay well you better be on your way..."

"Yes thank you mam" I walked to my car that is wayyyyy older than me and drove off to the sweet sound of g-eazy

I thought about if I should check out the job or not, I mean it's just across the street from one of our clients we've been working with for almost 2 years now, I mean what could go wrong...?

I did a quick U-turn and soon reached the suburban neighborhood I was just in about 5 minutes ago.

I pulled up to the house mrs Turner instructions on and walked to the front door. I knock carefully on the door and straightened myself out before I was to meet our hopefully future client.

I then noticed how tight and revealing my uniform is, I mean this guy could be in his 80s for all I know. My thoughts were then inturupted by a very tall guy with quiffed up hair and killer jawline.

"Hi you must be Mr Gilinsky." I extended my arm waiting for him to to shake it. And as he did I saw his large muscular arm. DAMN BOY

"That's me. And you are..?" He said with a smirk as he looked me up and down.

"Oh um Alexandria. I work for your neighbor and she said you were interested in my cleaning business...?"

"Ahhh yeah come in" he opened the door wider for me and waited for me to pass then closed the door behind me

I looked back at him and saw he was starring at my ass. He quickly looked back up to my eyes and said "my roommates aren't here but I'm pretty sure they'd like you" he kept looking at my body which made me extremely uncomfortable

"Oh you have roommates? How many?" It was too quiet so I tried making conversation with him

"Ah yeah, I literally just said that" he rolled his eyes um bitch, bipolar much? "I have 3 other roommates" he was no longer looking at me but sitting on the couch, I didn't know what to do so I awkwardly stood in front of him

He turned on the TV and physically moved me with his large hand over to the side so he could see the television

"Well it seems like you're pretty busy, so I'm just going to leave now" I hurried to the front door and was about to open the front door when I was interrupted by the door opening and 3 large figures standing in front of the door

"Woah gilinsky get it!" The shorter blonde boy said eyeing me up

"How did you land a girl like this damn" a lighter brown haired boy said

"Aye Mami. If you and gilinsky don't work out, hit me up. I'm skate... or daddy" the one with dark hair and tattoos said

I frantically looked behind me at Mr Gilinsky and he saw my expression and said "nah it ain't like dat, she that maid mrs Turner was talkin bout"

Ahhh wtf? Just before he was using grammar tf

"Aight so she single?" He was looking at me so it seemed like he was talking talking to me but he could have also been taking to Mr Gilinsky by the way he was talking so I just answered for him

"Yes I'm single and I have to go now" I tried getting passed "skate" but he placed himself in front of me

"And she talks" he said with a smirk "I look for a thick accent in a lady"

"Um look I need to leave now" I tried my best to not look into his eyes but he lifted my chin so I'd be looking straight into his eyes and he was too

"Call me" he whispered into my ear then moved to the side so I could leave. I walked down the large pathway to my car and sat in the drivers seat for what seemed like forever, replaying what just happened in there. Yes of course that has happened before with guys at school but they were huge and intimidating and like... mature

I started my car and plugged in my aux cord and quickly putting on hit me harder by Skizzy Mars then drove off to my house

As I was pulling into my driveway I realized I didn't get any groceries like I was told to so I had to yet again make a U turn to whole foods

Skip shopping and rest of car ride

I pulled into my driveway at 6:17pm I'm dead. I walked inside with paper bags in each arm trying to act as casual as possible and not bring attention to the fact that I'm 2 hours late

I set the bags on the counter and saw 2 of my sisters in the family room watching what seemed to be Jane The Virgin

As soon as I walked in I was bombarded with questions like the typical "where have you been?" "Do you not know how late you are" "Are you drunk? High?"

"No I am not drunk nor high but I did get us a new client today" I said nonchalantly sitting on the couch and grabbing some of my sister's popcorn

"Oh my! Seriously? Who? Where? How?"

"Yes seriously. His name is Mr Gilinsky. Right across the street from Mrs Turners. And it was a recommendation"

"Wow so any information?"

"He said he would like me to start tomorrow if that'd be possible" I really did not want to work for him and his obnoxious friends but if I didn't we'd be losing business and money is tight right now

"How old is he? Is he married? Single? Any roommates?" I knew she would say this and I also knew she wouldn't let me work for him if I told the truth so I told her a little lie

"He's in his mid 40s, has a wife and 2 kids" Okay maybe I did stretch it more than I should have but I mean what's the harm?

She thought for a moment "Okay sure but tomorrow before you leave we need to get you something a little less revealing" she said referring to my low cut shirt that is almost see through and my short ish skirt

This is gonna be fun

Hello everyone! Welcome to "maid" I know no one is actually going to read this but I just wanted to say thank you if you are lol

Word count: 1414

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