Chapter 10

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Bella's P.O.V

Alice rushed in the room with all the other girls. They all looked shocked looking at my state, she rushed toward me, wrapping her arms around me.

"What in God's name happened?" Rosalie asked, picking some candles up. "What was all that yelling about?"

"Edward Cullen," I sobbed, hugging myself to my sister.

"Girls, can you leave me and my sister alone?" Alice asked, walking toward them. They all nodded and walked out of the room. Alice locked the door before walking back to me. "Izzy, what happened?"

"He came to tell me he was in love with me," I sniffed. "He asked me to marry him and I was so mad. So mad because he had the decency to ask me after what he did. After everything he has done, he fell in love with me! I don't want to love him, I have to hate him!" 

Alice pulled my hair behind my ear. "What did he do to make you feel this way?" She asked.

"He left Jacob's family in the misery," I explained. "Took what was supposed to be his. He told Jasper it was better if he volunteered for the troops. He told him he was better off out of the reach of gold diggers. That's why I can't be in love with him, I have to hate him."

Alice sighed. "What did he say about these accusations?"

I shook my head.

"Izzy, by the looks of it you both got carried away by your own pride. You accused him, as I heard but you never let him defend his honor and after your accusations he got mad too." She sat next to me. "I'm sure there's an explanation for all of this."

"Explanation? He is a monster, Alice. He has no feelings."

"He does for you. He is considered to be a proud man but think about how much it took him to suck it up, come here and tell you how he felt." She caressed my hair. "You can't make an opinion off of someone with just one side of the story."

I shook my head, laying my head on her shoulder. My weekend has barely started and it was horrible. Why did this had to happen to me? Why couldn't he fall in love with Jessica or someone else? Why do I feel so... Heartbroken after I rejected him with an understandable reason?

I spent the rest of the day laying in bed, looking out my window that had the view of the beach. Christmas was coming, it was the time of joy. I can take today to be miserable but I have to forget it. I have to do what I was supposed to do, what I was intended to do. Work and help out those in need. I didn't come here to fall in love and certainly not with someone like Mr. Cullen.

The very next morning, I sat on my bed, looking down at my hands. I couldn't sleep in all night. It was impossible to do so. My mind went around and around and around with what happened previously that day. I thought so much about the subject to the point I started to feel nauseous. Now, I just didn't feel hungry enough to walk out the room.

As I was debating whether or not leave the room, Alice entered with a white envelope in her hands. I frown at her as she walked toward me and stood next to my bed.

"This is for you," she said, handing me the letter.

"Mail doesn't come on Sundays," I replied with a cracked voice from all the crying I did last night. I bet I looked horrible, I haven't even showered. I don't feel like doing anything.

"Edward dropped it by," she answered.

I shook my head. "I... I don't want to read it. Just give it back, I don't want to read it."

"Izzy, this could make a difference and help you sort out what you feel," she insisted. I continued to shake my head, looking away from her. I don't want to know what the letter says. "Would you stop being so proud!" She shouted.

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