My Dream Came True

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Authors Note:

Heyy everyone! I am new to creating stories so please forgive me for this crappy story. -This means that someone is thinking (bold and italic)


My name is Velouria, and I have a dream. I dream that one day I can meet the kpop band B.A.P. I love them sooo much. People say its imposssible but every thought has a possibility.

First Day of School

My P.O.V

I wake up to my pestering alarm in the morning at 6:00 am and a room full of Kpop posters. "Good Morning" I say to myself quietly. As soon as I was about to get up I hear a huge crash. The only person in the house would be..."Mom!?" I yell. I sprint down the hallway to check on her. Fast asleep, nothings wrong thank goodness. I slowly creep down the stairs and nothing is out of the ordinary. "That's wierd..." I go to the door and check outside. Standing there is a odd man who was extremely tall. I try to build enough courage, and manage to say "H-hi" He stares at me and winks. I look down to see I only have on a tank top and my pjs shorts. My face begins to get flushed. Then suddenly five other guys start walking towards the door.

It becomes obvious to me that these guys were in a hurry. "Hello~ " they all say in unison. The tall one steps forward and asks " May we come in? It's kind of an emergency" I look at the time on the clock and start to panick. Its the first day of school and Im going to be late. This is the worst possible time for this to happen. Not thinking twice I say " Sure! Come on in" As they sit down at my dining room table, they begin to take off thier disguises. My mom decides to wake up in a loud mood. "Velouria!!! I thought I told you many times to clean up your roo-" Oh i didnt know we were having such handsome guests" my mom says adjusting her attitude. My whole world stopped for a second. "Velouria" my mom said I just couldnt move. "Velouria" my mom said a second time The strange men that just stepped into my house wer- "VELOURIA" my mom yelled. I regained focus on life. I shook off my amazement and said " Mom as you probably know this is the famous Kpop band B.A.P". " Oohh those are the six gentle men on your posters all over your room!!" "Mommmm that's embarrasing!!" I exclaim They all chuckle as I turn red again. "Umm, the reason you have maybe heard a loud crash is because our driver isnt very good". Himchan says apologetically "Hey at least I tried" Yong Guk interrupts. "Not good enough!" Himchan snaps back. "Anyways we are gonna have to have a change of plans in our trip." Himchan continues. "Trip"? I ask confused. "Are you guys hungry?" My mom says. "Im starving!!!" Daehyun and Zelo say in unison. "I will go make breakfast then" she says . Daehyun continues "The trip was supposed to bring our band together so we took a while off our busy schedule. Now since we crashed we might as well find somewhere to stay for a few weeks." WEEKS?! I think to my self. As Daehyun is talking I glance over at Zelo and Jongup. They stare at me for a moment then I hear faint whispers. They must really find me ugly or wierd. My mom comes back with bacon, toast, eggs, waffles, hashbrowns, orange juice, and lemonade. "Help yourselves!" she exclaims happily. While they began to eat I look over at my clock, a second time and I only have an hour to get ready. It takes me an hour to do my hair. I take a huge deep breath and say " Mom Im gonna go get ready for school". "I will eat after I get ready". "You have school? "Can I come with you?" Zelo says cutely. I try my hardest not to fangirl. "Y-yeah I do". "But dont you think your a little to old for my grade?" I say trying not to be rude. "What grade is it?" Himchan asks "8th" I reply "Woah Zelo is a little older". Himchan exclaims. "I really wanna learn american culture of school here." Zelo says "Trust me my school isnt all that". I say trying not to fumble on my words. "Maybe I can discuss something with the principal to let you in the same classes as Velouria" My mom says then looks at me with a smug face. This time my heart wants to leap out of my chest and do ten flips. "Do whatever" I say as I stomp upstairs. In the shower my emotions finally catch up to me and hot tears start to stream down my face. Everyone said I would never get to meet them, and there right here in my house! As I turn off the water I hear a bang on the door. "Sorry I will be out in a minute!" "Okay, take your time." a deep voice says. I hurry up and get my towel and unlock the door. "You can open the door now" Behind the door was Zelo. His face began to get flushed with redness " Ah sorry I interrupted you" My head feels light and my face begins to redden as well. "Oh no It's fine I was done anyways" I say as I pass by him out the door. I close the door in my room and begin to put my uniform on. As I slip my skirt on I notice my skirt is shorter than usual. "Umm Mom? " I yell "Yes sweetie?" She responds "Did you do something to my skirt?" "Your skirt?, No I didnt!" "Oh ok!" I button up my blouse and add my necktie and go downstairs. In the kitchen I see Zelo dressed in the same uniform as my schools. "Mom." "My skirt is way too short" "Oh sweetie I think its fine you just grew a few inches" I look over at Zelo and hes blushing. That's weird... but I shouldnt mind it. "Alright If Zelo is coming to school with me what are the rest of them gonna do?" I say worrisome "They can hide in secret with me" My mom replies. "If thats ok with them". "Sure!" They all exclaim in unison. "But theres one problem" I try say without dampering the mood. "What is it?" my mom asks dumbfounded "There is only a number of seven rooms in this house". Daehyun began How did he know that?? He mustve went around the house while i was getting dressed. " Someone is going to have to share a room with you sweetie" my mom replies into my ear. This CAN NOT be happening. I cant believe it B.A.P is staying in my house.

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