Chapter 8

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When you wake with a yawn.

After a few minutes, the sounds from the attic stopped, and my mind returned to a peaceful state. Old houses creak sometimes. It must have just been old house creaks. I didn't think much of the noise after that. I returned to my room not quite tired enough for sleep. I searched for something to do and finally came to the conclusion to re-read my favorite book.
It was a simple story about a girl and a boy falling in love. I know, I know, it sounds cliche, but the his story is different from all the other love stories out there. This story didn't end happy. I think that is why I liked it so much. Life doesn't always end happy all the time. This story taught a harsh truth.
I flipped through the pages quickly because the story was etched in my brain. I got halfway through the book when my eyes began to grow heavy. I blinked, the gravely sensation burned my eyes. It was time for bed. I put my book on the nightstand and turned off the light.
The ever so soft sound of crying woke me. I shot up in bed with a gasp. I looked around my room, feeling disoriented from being ripped out of my dream. I quickly rubbed away the sleep from my eyes and focused hard on the noise I heard.
The sound softly floated down the halls and entered my room. It was the cries of a child in distress. My mind kicked into gear quickly. Brahms was crying. The doll was crying! My heart fluttered at the thought. Even though I have gotten use to Brahms being.... Well..... Alive, I was still amazed every time he did something.
I quickly pushed myself off of the tall bed and rushed down the hall. I found Brahms in his room, sitting in his rocking chair. The chair gently swung back and forth, telling me that he had just barely moved. I reached over and twisted his lamp on, dim orange light brightened the dark room ever so slightly.
There was something glistening under Brahm's eye. I approached him and squinted to get a better look. A drop of water slowly slid down his fragile cheek. My mouth was gaping open. How? How was this possible? I gently wiped away his tear and lifted hi. Into my arms.
"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked, taking him to his bed. I rearranged some blankets and took a seat on the bed, still holding him in my arms. "It's okay Brahmsie. I'm here." I whispered before placing a kiss on his cheek.
I slowly rocked him and began to sing.
Lullaby, and good night, in the skies stars are bright.
May the moon's silvery beams bring you sweet dreams.
Close your eyes now and rest, may these hours be blessed.
'Til the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.

Sleepyhead, close your eyes, for I'm right beside you.
Guardian angels are near, so sleep without fear.
Lullaby, and good night, with roses bedight.
Lilies o'er head, lay thee down in thy bed.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.

Lullaby, and sleep tight, my darling sleeping.
On sheets white as cream, with a head full of dreams.
Sleepyhead, close your eyes, I'm right beside you.
Lay thee down now and rest, may your slumber be blessed.

Go to sleep, little one, think of puppies and kittens.
Go to sleep, little one, think of butterflies in spring.
Go to sleep, little one, think of sunny bright mornings.
Hush, darling one, sleep through the night,
Sleep through the night,
Sleep through the night.

I finished and leaned down to kiss him good night once more. " Alright sleepy head", I kept my voice soft, "See you in the morning".
The sound of something shattering into a million pieces made me jump out of bed. It came from down below. Daylight illuminated the house as I jumped up and took off down the stairs. My heart beat with anticipation in my chest and my ears thumped desperately in my head. I flew down the stairs to see what had happened.
But part of me already knew.
I turned the corner and almost stomped my bare feet all over the shattered glass. I gasped, even though I was expecting it. My crystal chandelier lay on the floor in pieces. I resisted the strong urge to scream and curse. I had saved up so much money to buy that light. All my hard work was dead in front of me. I felt empty as I examined the mess. Throwing away all my care, I fell to my knees. My skin screamed as the jagged glass pieces sliced it. I picked up a fractured drop shaped crystal and shook my head in disbelief. I know I had secured it to the ceiling. I made certain that it would never fall. And here it was.
I closed my eyes and bit back tears. A soft sweet voice suddenly said, "It was an accident Danny". I slowly raised my head and dropped the crystal to the ground. "What?" I asked, my voice shook. I turned around to find Brahms sitting behind me. I looked at him as if this was all new. As if I had just discovered that he was alive. "Brahms." I managed to spit out as a tear rolled down my cheek. I shook my head and stood up, both angry and confused.
I rushed up to my room, leaving Brahms on the floor. I couldn't help but be angry with him. I knew it was just an accident, but still. I closed my door to shut myself away from the world. I looked over and checked my clock. My brows shot up at the time. I was going to be late took work.
I snapped into action, flinging clothes onto my body and whipping my hair up into a French twist. Heavy footsteps came from outside the door, and I froze. There was a small knock. "I'm sorry Danny," Brahm's little voice sounded so sad. "Please forgive me."
I stared at the wooden floor, unsure what I should do. My chandelier was in pieces because of him. But Brahms was just a boy, and accidents happened. I walked to the door and pulled the handle open. Brahms sat on the floor, looking up at me. I drew a shaky smile on my lips. "I forgive you Brahms."
I set him on my bed and snatched my purse and my keys off of the dresser. I headed to the door. "I'll clean up the mess when I get home." I said before leaving. "See you later Brahms."
My shift seemed to drag on and on, as if it would never end. All day I charted down a mental plan of how I would clean up the chandelier.
   As soon as the clock struck 10:00 I was out. I exchanged a few goodbyes and rushed to the elevator. The doors opened and I groaned at the sight of Andy. Why was it always the elevator? It was as if he stood in it all day waiting for me to come in.
   "Hello Danny." His mouth curved upward. I wanted to slap him. I took a deep breath before replying, it gave me more time to pull on my happy face. "Hi Andy. How was your day?" I asked trying to hide how much I hated him. He considered my question and answered "Fine." He quickly pushed my question aside and moved on to what he was interested in. "So Danny." he said stepping closer to me, causing me to stiffen. "I have noticed that you don't get out much. When you leave your house, it's just to go to work." He pointed it out as if I didn't know. "So I decided that I want to take you out.  I could show you the town. Give you a chance to get familiar....." The way he drew out the word changed the meaning of his innocent offer.
   The elevator doors opened, I quickly stepped out and began to walk quickly to the exit. Andy was right on my tail. "What do you think?" He persisted. "Umm...... I don't think I can." I answered quickly.
   He suddenly grabbed my hand and I froze. His grip was light, but I felt like he had trapped me. "Please? I promise that if you don't have a good time with me, I will stop bothering you."
   His last words tempted me. It was as if he was saying take one bite of chopped liver and after you can eat all the cake you want. He would stop bothering me if I just went on one date with him. I went over his offer in my head once more before accepting.
   His sly smile grew big as if he had won the lottery. I couldn't help but grimace. He stopped behind me, allowing me to open the door for him. The cold night air seeped into the building as he stepped pass me into the night. I followed after him and rushed to my car.
    He floated by my side. "So what do you say about Friday at 6:00, I'll come pick you up." I nodded, taking steps closer and closer to my car. My heels clicked along the gravel. I pulled out my keys and clicked the unlock button, hoping that he would forget to ask for my address. " You live in the Heelshire house right?" He asked, stopping in front of my car. I did a curt nod before opening the door and folding into the drivers seat."I'll be ready at 6:00." I announced before slamming my door shut.
   I began to regret my decision as I stood outside my house, trying to unlock the door. What was I thinking? I would honestly rather die than go out with Andy. I was afraid for what he had planned after the fate. And judging by the way he looked at me, it wasn't going to be good.
   I tried to turn my key in the lock for the 20 millionth time. It didn't budge. I groaned and slammed my hand on the door. My nose stung and my eyes grew wet. Angry, I quickly wiped the tears away. Why was I crying over something so stupid? I leaned my head on the door, allowing myself to sink into stress. I stood in silence for a second when a clicking sound came from the other side of the wooden door.
   "I'm sorry Danny" Brahm's little voice was muffled. " I didn't want you to come in yet." The sound of his sweet voice brought a smile to my face, even if he was locking me out. "Can I come in now Brahms?" I asked playfully. I heard a small giggle followed by, "Yes. I have a surprise for you." I felt a warmth deep down in my chest as I opened the door.
   The house was as black as pitch. I closed the door so night wouldn't enter the room. I just stood in the doorway, blinking into the darkness. Paranoia ran down my spine. I have always hated the dark. "Brahms?" I cried out to him. "Turn on the light." His voice sounded distant. I groped the wall and found the little bar and flipped it to the sky. Light suddenly burst from above.
   My head shot upward and I gasped. My chandelier hung brilliantly from the ceiling. I gazed at it in awe. It had been so carefully placed back together. I looked down to find Brahms sitting on the floor. My heart melted and I rushed down to him. I wrapped my arms around his small body and held him close. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed placing a kiss on his tender cheek. I looked back up to the light and beamed. I couldn't believe how perfectly he fixed it. It must have taken him all day. I just sat on the floor with Brahms in my arms. I smiled down at him. All the bad things that I had heard about him, melted away in that moment.

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