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What’s your favorite color?

Emerald green.

What’s your favorite book to read?

Either ‘The Last Song’ or ‘A Walk to Remember’ by Nicholas Sparks or ‘Before I fall’ by Lauren Oliver.

What book that you have written are you most proud of?

My most popular book was ‘Over again, Sir’, but the one I’m proud of most isn’t on Wattpad. On Wattpad, the one I’m most proud of is Between Logan and Jamie, even though it’s Co-Written, I love it because I can write my character in depth and experience someone else writing the other main character. It may not seem like it to others, but to me, it’s more realistic because I’m not creating the whole story if you see what I mean. So that would be the one I am proud of!

Do you have an imaginary friend? (If so, what’s their name, and a short description of them.)

I’ve never had an imaginary friend. It’s sad because I’ve always wanted one.

What’s your favorite food?

Runner beans, raw.

What’s your favorite genre to write?

Romance. I think it’s the one I’ve written the most.

What’s your favorite movie?

‘The Last Song’, ‘A Walk to Remember’, ‘The Blind Side’, and ‘Cruel Intentions’.

Who’s your secret celebrity crush?

Jason Statham! And Taylor Lautner.

Have you considered becoming a published author?

Yes. I have a project I’m working on that’s not on Wattpad. I want to publish a novel because it’s my dream, and because it’s important to me and my family to write this novel.

What’s your favorite song to listen to?

At the moment it’s ‘Firelight — Unbreakable’.

Who are some friends that you’ve made on Wattpad?

Caitlyn (FluoroGirl) Immy (Immlaaarr) my best-friend(sister) is actually online on Wattpad: (Ellen Daisyy Gunter).Yup, they are my best-friends on Wattpad:’)

What’s your least favorite vegetable?

Sprouts. Hands down.

What’s your favorite flavor of ice-cream?

Vanilla. Plain and simple.

True or False: Cookies are awesome.


Do you lick the frosting off of your cupcakes?

I actually have never had a cupcake with frosting. I don’t eat cupcakes. Just muffins. I need to try thatL

If you could go anywhere in time, when and where would it be?

In time? I really don’t know. Probably go back twelve years ago to America.

If you switch lives for a day with anyone, who would it be?

My best-friend. I love her life.

Would you rather date a Vampire or Werewolf?

Werewolf. I’m attracted to guys with tanned skin more than completely ‘over the top’ pale guys that never get out in the sun. I’m more of a California person than an Icelandic, as I say.

Do you have any pets? (If so, please include name and species.)

I have a dog, Rex, who is a Patterdale Terrier. He has been on television with my sister and my mother and is adorably cute. I had another dog, a Chawoodleshire, (A Chiwawa x Poodle x Yorkshire-terrier) called Maxwell, but unfortunately he died not too long ago. I also have fish, but they’re just in my pond and don’t have names.

What’s your favorite holiday?

Every year I go skiing. Usually in France or Italy. This is my favorite holiday and I look forward to it every year. If it counts, I’m going to New York in February, and I know that will be my favorite holiday, ever!

What would you dress up as for Halloween?

Funny you asked, actually, because I’m going to a Halloween party at the end of the month and me and my friends have decided to dress up as ‘The Mean Girl’s’ (Dressing inappropriately, but not the bunnies;D) But it’s in a field, so if we have a problem with shoes, we’re just going to go as the devils assistants, because they’re easy to dress up as in a red dress and some extrasJ

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