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"So what do I need to do?" I asked Harry.

Was this going to be some stupid magic trick or something. I have been though to much pain in the last couple of hours I don't need this to be a bloody trick. I just wanted Harry back was that to much to ask for. Think about that what does that mean Harry and I are? I mean he is my best firend and he just told me he loved me. He kissed me and it was like something out of this world. The feeling that were traveling all though my body, I felt like I couldn't sit still. 

"Well this is a bit weird but you need to make sure that my body doesn't get buried." He sternly said. It was kind of understandable but just weird. What was I going to do go up to them and say 'my best friend is dead but I can get him to come back.' Wow that would go down perfectly. "How am I going to do that Harry tell him that you are going to come back to life." I shook my head. "I don't know, but you can't tell anyone about this you just need to say something believeable, ok?"  I noddled. "What about it's religious reasons?" I laughed. "No that great Rose!" He smiled. "What about your Mum is she really going to let me keep her dead son, she is in just as much pain as I am." Harry agreed with me. "Just tell her to agree with you. She has known you for a hell of a long time so she should trust you.If that doesn't work hint thing to her about me comign back, ok I don't this is hard but I need to get back to you for real and to Mum." He spoke and thn went quiet. "I have miss you so much Rose!" He quickly said as though he felt like it would be his last works to me. I hugged him, "Not as much as I have missed you." "No way I miss you way more Rose." Tear ran down our faces. Harry grabbed my hands, "You need to keep this a secret. You can't tell anyone, not even my mum about seeing me ok. As a ghost I am only a lot to keep in touch with one human being, ok!" I nodded. "I understand, so when will I get to see you." Another tear ran down my face the thought of Harry leave was running though my head. "Once you have my body there is another step to be able to have me back into my human body." I was so confused! How many more steps will there be. " What other step!" I questioned. "I will tell you when I see you next." He was going to leave and I didn't want that to happen. I held his pale hands in mine. You could tell he was a ghost as the usual pink in his cheeks was not there as they were a pale like the rest of his body. "I love you Rose." He looked into my eyes with every word the spoke. "I love you Harry so much! Please don't leave. I need you!" Tears fell down to where our hands met. One of Harry's hands put away from mine and softly wiped my tears away. "Please don't cry Rose, if I want to be with you I need to left now. I love you and I will come back!" He stood up and grab me and forcefully pulled my face to his. As our lips met sparks flew though my body from Harry touch. Just one touch by Harry and I was in his trap. I had love Harry for a long time but I am truely madly deeply in love with him and will always. I needed him in more ways than possible. "I need to go Rose. I will miss you! I will see you soon, I promise. I love you." And at once he was gone.

I walked back to the bed where I had just been sitting on with Harry. Only if I could feel his soft lips on me for a little longer. I sat back on his bed and cuddled up to his pillow.  I wished that the pillow I held inbetween my arm was Harry. To feel his skin against mine, for him to kiss me and hug me. Most of all, I want to be able to hear Harry whisper that he loves me. I closed my eye and fell a sleep to the thought of Harry.

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