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I once saw a girl. She was timid beyond her years. She was beautiful and funny, yet words have crumbled her. Hate has broken her. One was broken. One was hated. If you look in her soul you would see the beauty she has to offer life. I look into her words and see the hurt caused by others. I stand for her when she is weak. I stand with her when she cannot. I take her broken spirit and help mend it. I will not let her be broken anymore. I will take her hand and show her the light. I will show her what life has to offer, its not all gloomy my friend, trust me. There is light just look within. Look to the heavens and see that it isn't time. Look to your friends and see their support. I'm here with you, I will stand for you and I will stand with you! You are not alone, for no one truly is. Listen to my message and take what I'm saying and make it beautiful. You can be the change you want to see in yourself! You can do it, i believe in you. Give faith to those that care.

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