Mangle v Chica?

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Chica's POV
Ugh I've had it with that piece of trash! She's always getting between me and Foxy! Yes, I know what I said before to him, but you know what? I take it back! I'm still angry at her, I still hate her and I don't give a flying fazz if someone tells me otherwise!

Mangle's POV
"You heard me Mangle." Said Chica with her hands on her hips." THAT LITTLE- wait a second.. Keep your cool Mang, this'll be fun. I've been waiting to put this duck-mutant in her place. I chuckled,"Well Chica, if you're going to be two faced at least make one of them pretty." I smirked. Chica's expression went from shocked to furious, I could feel TC and BonBon trying to stifle laughter behind me. The Olds looked quite shocked at me, including Foxy. Sorry Foxy, I'm not going to be pushed around by Chica. Even if you do hate me after this..."Ugh! Kiss my A**!" She shouted furiously. The Toys began glaring at her, the Olds seemed to be..Smiling!? Except Foxy,He just looked sad. Sorry about this Foxy, "Not until you shave it." I shot back. She clenched her fists and lunged at me, luckily I dodged them in time and she missed. But she then tried to punch me again and this time she didn't miss and I nearly fell to the floor. I regained my balance and snarled at her. I stretched some of my wires and grabbed her by the neck, I could see fear in her eyes. I threw her across the room, making her hit the wall. Maybe that was too hard.. The other animatronics were just standing there in shock, too confused to do anything and probably too scared. The Toys have seen me when I'm angry, it isn't pretty. She rubbed her head and got off the floor and began running towards me, fists still clenched. Suddenly, Foxy ran between us and shouted, "ENOUGH!" Chica came to a sudden halt about ten inches away from Foxy, I was about the same. He looked at us both disappointed and said, "What has gotten into you two?" Chica looked at the floor, pretending to be all sorry. I just rolled my eyes at her and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Seriously, you guys need to quit fighting, now. We've got Goldie to worry about!" He shouted, the other Olds nodded. I looked back at the Toys and they were smirking at me, including Mari! I smiled at them. "Okay, what do we do now?" Asked Bonnie. "Well I think we should go look for Goldie, what about you guys?" Said Toy Freddy, we all nodded. Well there's no way I'm going back up there! I don't feel like falling through the floor again.

Foxy's POV
Guess were going to go find Goldie.
Sigh, why can't those two just get along? I get why they don't see eye-to-eye on things after what happened, but this? I didn't expect them to actually fight each other! I just don't get why? Maybe Chica knows I have a crush o- What? No! She can't possibly know that...
Anyway, I can't worry about that now. We have to find Golden Freddy.

Suddenly, there was a loud ringing. Oh NO! It's MONDAY!! We all looked at each other and sprinted off in different directions. Me and the Olds went to the parts n service room where we had to stay during the day. Luckily, the day Guards weren't here yet so we still had time to get in without looking suspicious. See, the Pizzeria thinks we're still inactive. Nope! Still here..

Toy Bonnie's POV
WOAH! It just went DOWN between Mang and Chica! Shame Foxy put a stop to it, I wanted to see Mangle hand Chica's butt to her! Well, I suppose it's a good thing he did, the Pizzeria is opening right now and we have to get to our stations. We all ran to the stage while Mangle went to Kid's Cove. "See you later guys!" She called. "Good Luck Mangle! Yell if you need anything!" Shouted Mari, running to Prize Corner. Me, Toy Fred and TC made it to the main stage but when we got there, there were 3 men wearing Freddy Fazzbear Pizza uniforms standing on the stage. We all looked at them confused as they had a tool box with them. "Here they are! Guess they're allowed to freely-roam, unlike the last Pizzeria." Said one of them. "Yeesh, don't mention that place. Remember what happened to Jeremy?" Said another. Wait, JEREMY? He was in the last place TOO? "Poor kid.." Said the last one. "Anyway, Boss says we have to input some new programming on these guys for during the day. Says they're not allowed to move off the stage." Said one of the mechanics. WHAT!? That means we can't help Mangle!! They moved us to the stage and switched us off, then everything wen black.

Woop Woop! Now we're getting all Mystery-y!
(That's not a word..)
So Jeremy has a connection to the last Pizzeria, but what could it BE!? Comment what you think and leave a vote for more! Ly guys! 💖💖

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