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An old lady was sitting on her armchair with a cup of tea. She stared out the window, watching the wind breeze over the grass. Her face was old and weary. Her wrinkles on her face takes away the beauty she used to have.

The door bell rang and her maid opened the door.

“Who is it?” asked the old lady.

The maid walks in and puts the box on her lap. The old lady stares at it with confusion. She didn’t order anything from what her old memory recites. Her old hands pass over the box wiping away the dust.

She opens up the box and finds an old book. It was very dusty though its beautiful colours shone bright in her eyes when the sun hit the book. She wondered why such a beautiful book will come to her hands. She loved reading but the book itself looked quite familiar. It’s rainbow cover was shiny as if it just been published. She wiped away the rest of the dust and the title came up. Her eyes widened and she caught her breath as the title read “The Unpredictable Life of Rebella.”

The old lady turned her face away. She knew Rebella so well. They were both best friends, sisters and maybe you can say team mates. A tear fell down as she started remising the memories she had with Rebella. They grew up together, lived together, worked together and even got their revenge together.  She had to read the book.

She opened the first page and she closed it again.

“No! No! I can’t read it. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t!

Tears fell down her eyes remembering the tragic story and the horrible death of her own best friend. She didn't want to remember it. Who would send her such a book?

Then as if it was just practically normal, a flash of an old man suddenly appeared and his words rang in her ears

“I will make a story of what is happening and your story will go on from generation to generation. Even if I die there is someone that will keep track.”

Now she understood what he meant. The one that lives or survives will pass the book down. She felt sick and she wanted to throw up.

Instead she turned the page and saw something confusing

“To all of those who start reading must read till the end.”

She stared at it for a long time. What did that mean? Did she have to keep reading non-stop? Or she has to read till the end and take a few brakes in between? She didn’t understand but she had to read.

No, I don’t want to read. Why read when she can just remember it?

Then all of a sudden her mind went blank. What really happened? She couldn’t believe that she can’t remember her own horror life. How could this be? She thought. Thunder clacked really loud and she jumped in fear.

She lets out a small laugh. Ever since she was small she was always afraid of thunder. She was still scared even at this age. 86 she was and it was around 50 years that she hasn't seen her old friend. 50 years and before she was very strong, smart and loved eating.

86years old and can’t even fight down her own fear like she use to or even scare a cat that keeps coming into her garden.

She looked at her old hands. They weren’t pure or soft. They were ugly, old and wrinkly. Her best friend, uncle, husband and now son had left her all alone. Her best friend, uncle and husband died.

So did her friends that betrayed her and their children. Her son was alive though left her and got married and has a 5 year old son.

Rebella was the only one that understood her and she understood Rebella.

“Rebella, oh poor Rebella,” cries the old lady.

“How could they do such things to you?”

The old lady shakes her head. It’s time she thought, time to get back to the place she first started at, being a strong girl and the time the betrayal started.

She turns to the first page and she stares at the writing that struck her with emotions. Read or not read? Which one she though.....

Then the rain poured down and she stared in awe as she remembered the memory.

The first chapter, the first page and the first words of the book begin..........

The Unpredictable Life Of Rebella- The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now