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"Dick!" Bruce yelled up the stairs.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"Hurry up! If you don't get down here right now, I'm not letting you come with me!"

"Coming!" I shouted, a smile plastered across my face. It had been almost ten months since the Deathstroke incident. No one spoke of it, especially if I was in the room. They were scared that they might offend me or something or throw me into a panic attack. It had taken me a full seven months to recover from all my injures and Batman had trained me for the next three. Now I was going to be uncovered at Batman's sidekick, Robin, the Boy Wonder. Well, that's at least what I called myself. I was sure that it'd eventually catch on.

No one had seen Slade in that time. I had to admit; I was sure he was going to jump out and kill me in my sleep for the first few months, but now I was sure that he would finally leave me alone. Not with everyone backing me up. Heck, a single guy beat him to a bloody pulp, who was now my legal guardian. Bruce had told me not to worry and I didn't.

I ran down the stairs two at a time and followed Bruce downstairs to the Batcave. I quickly changed into my Robin costume before jumping in the passenger seat of the Batmobile. Bruce came out a little later. He smirked. "So one seems excited to go out on patrol," he said.

I nodded with a smile. "I'm finally able to get out of this house. Not that I don't like it or anything, it's just that I get bored really easily."

"Well that won't be the case come September," Batman said with a smirk. "I'm sending you to school."

"Aw, Bruce, don't do that," I complained. "I'm smart enough, aren't I?"

"Yes," he said. "But people will start to ask questions if your not in school."

I crossed my arms. "Fine." I understood his logic, but that didn't mean I had to like it.

Bruce smiled at me as he got into the Batmobile. He only smiled at me. Well, me and Alfred, but I liked that. It showed that I was special to him. And no one else could take that away. Bruce pulled his cowl over his head. "You got everything?" He asked.

"Just drive!" I said. He chuckled.


"You bored yet?"

I was, but I wasn't going to admit it. "It's not terrible."

"I warned you," Batman said. "It's not like the news stories say. I spend most of my nights just waiting. It's part of my job."

I was sitting on the edge of a building and balanced my head on my open palm with my elbow sitting on my knee. My mind wandered to the day when Bruce had revealed his identity. It was a great day. Ever since getting away from Slade, my life has gotten infinitely better. I made sure that Bruce didn't spoil me too much, that I saw the team at least four times a week, that I got to know Alfred better, and that I was going to focus on forgetting my past and looking to the future.

I was still daydreaming when Batman shook me out of it by shooting his grappling hook. I quickly took out mine and hot after him. The Bat Signal was up and that meant beating up bad guys! My first real mission with Batman!

We landed outside an old abandon warehouse. "What is it?" I asked.

"Hostages," Batman said. "Whoever did this was trying to either get money or my attention." He looked down at me. I'd shot up a couple inches over the past few months since I was actually getting the nutrition I needed, but I still hadn't reached 5'1" yet. I felt like a dwarf next to my guardian. "You can stay here if you want."

"No way!" I complained. "I'm not waiting out here!"

Batman looked like he was about to order me to stay out here, but decided against it. He turned and used his grappling hook to get onto the roof. I followed him.

When we were up there, Batman kicked in the glass and used his cape to glide down safely to the ground. I followed his example, rolling to ease the impact when I touched down. Well, that wasn't too hard, I thought.

I turned to see about twelve people bound and gagged. Standing next to them was the Riddler. Batman had made me learn all about his villains so that I wasn't totally helpless if I met one in a dark ally. The man saw us and smirked. "Who's this? A tag along?" The Riddler's smirk grew wider. "Don't tell me he's yours!"

Batman didn't say anything. He went to punch Riddler in the face, but the man ducked. "Ah, ah ah," he said. "That's not how the routine goes, Bats. I tell a riddle, you fight off my henchmen, then we fight."

"Robin," Batman said. "Get the prisoners out of here."

"Yes, sir," I said. I ran to an old woman and freed her. I about to help her up when I was grabbed by my cape and held in the air, being choked. I grabbed onto the man's arms and did a flip so that I kicked him in the face. He stumbled back, letting my cape slip through his fingers. I turned back to the prisoners and untied them one by one. When I realized this was taking way too long, I cut their bonds with a batarang. The hostages ranged from as old as sixty something to about four or five.

When I had just set the last one free, I was grabbed from behind and forced face down on the ground by two men. One sat on my legs and the other held down my arms above me with one hand and with the other one grabbed me by the hair. He smashed my face into the floor and I pretending he had knocked me out, which wasn't hard to do. They got off me and I was slung over one's shoulder. It took all my willpower not to backflip over the man's shoulder and escape. I let my eyes open just a fraction so I could see what was going on.

Batman stood over Riddler's unconscious form, not looking very happy. The man holding me moved and my view was blocked. I waited until Batman gave the orders for me to move.

"Let go of him," Batman grumbled.

"Why should I listen to you?" The man sneered. I slowly moved my hand and undid my cape. Just as I had assumed, the man grabbed my cape to hold me out in front of himself to use me as a human shield, but instead only held up the fabric. He looked surprised and I took it to my advantage. I flipped off him and dealt him a blow to the back of the head. I heard Batman taking care of the other one behind me.

Soon enough, all the criminals were dealt with and left for the police. The hostages were checked over and taken home. I even met Commissioner Gordon, who didn't seem to fond of 'someone my age patrolling the streets of Gotham'. Batman told him not to worry, that I could hold my own in a fight.

After that, Batman took me back to the mansion. I wanted to complain that I could stay up just as late as Bruce, but he left no room for argument. As soon as I stepped out of the Batmobile, my guardian drove off to fight crime. I sighed, which turned into a yawn. I hadn't noticed how tired I was until I slipped on my pajamas and plopped down onto my bed. I was out cold almost instantly.

There updates will be slower than Wrong Parent. Sorry!

I'm also on a Fullmetal Alchemist high right now. I watched FMA Brotherhood, but now I decided to watch the original, so, yeah. Slower updates.

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