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I shot up with a yelp. I was breathing heavily and was drenched in sweat. Someone was instantly by my side. It was Batman. "Dick," he said calmly. "Calm down."

I took several deep breaths and my shoulders relaxed. I glanced down to see my hands gripping my blanket so hard that my fingers hurt. I slowly uncurled them and noticed a beeping in the room. I blinked a couple times, realizing I was in Med Bay at the Mountain. My mask, cape, and shoes were off, but other than that, I was still in my Robin Uniform. I looked up at Bruce. "How long-"

"Only twelve hours," he said. I glanced at the clock. Eleven in the morning. I sighed and leaned back.

"Dick," Bruce said in a serious tone. "What happened."

I bit my lip, not sure if I should tell him about Deathstroke being back. I didn't want anyone in danger because I had blabbed, though Deathstroke hadn't warned me that my friends would be in danger if I said anything. "I was attacked," I said slowly.

"By who?" Batman asked.

"By whom," I corrected.

"Dick," Bruce said in a warning tone.

"Who do you think?" When he didn't answer, I sighed. "He's back, Bruce," I said quietly. "H-he gave me some of Scarecrow's Fear Serum. "

"I knew he would come after you," Bruce growled, making shivers involuntarily ran down my back. He was angry. He took a deep breath and looked down at me again. "Can you stand?" He asked.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood shakily. I grabbed onto Bruce's arm for support. "Are you going to take me home?"

Bruce shook his head. "That's the first place Slade will be watching. He knows who you are and that I've taken you in, so he's probably put two and two together of my identity. At least in the mountain, we can make sure you're safe."

I nodded. Bruce led me to my room and I grabbed some jeans and my green hoodie to change into. I also slipped on a pair of socks before Batman helped me to the living room. The serum was wearing off, but it was something I wasn't used to. Bruce didn't leave my side until I asked for something to eat. I was starving.

I had just closed my eyes again when someone grabbed onto my tightly, knocking the air from my lungs. My eyes popped open and I gasped in surprise. "Don't take it personally, but we were totally eavesdropping on you and Batman's conversation," Wally asked, crushing me further. "Dude, are you okay?"

"Can't...breathe!" I gasped out.

"Oops!" Wally said, smiling sheepishly as he let me go. The whole team was behind him. Megan came forward and gave me a much nicer hug then Wally had. "I'm so glad your okay! I'm sorry we eves dropped."

"It's fine," I said. "You would have figured it out eventually." Megan let go and the rest of the team gave me pats on the back and told me they were glad I was okay. Bruce came back a few minutes later with my lunch, which I devoured hungrily. Soon, Black Canary showed up and announced that it was time to train. I stood up, but Batman put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You'll have to sit this one out, Dick," he said in a low voice.

"Why not?" I complained. "I feel fine. The serum's worn off and I feel fine."

"I'm taking you to the watchtower," Batman said. "The League wants you to go into depth about your time with Deathstroke,  and since it's been almost a year since he kidnapped you the last time. Are you comfortable with that? We need to know what we're up against."

I swallowed. I really didn't want to break down in front of the whole League, but it had to be done. I gave a small nod and Bruce helped me to the Zeta tubes, though I was more stable now and could do it myself. I waved to the team, which they returned.


I'd been to the Watch Tower only once. After I had been saved by Deathstroke for the last time, this was where I had been taken. Martian Manhunter had helped with my more serious injuries, but healing them sapped his energy immensely. I was scared that we wouldn't be paying attention, and suddenly the world was ending and Martian Manhunter wouldn't be there to help the League, but my fears were unfounded because that never happened.

Now I was sitting at a meeting with the Justice League. I was sitting between Batman and Black Canary, staring out the window of the Watch Tower. It wasn't every day that I got to be in space. Also, I was trying to ignore the eyes trained on me.


I blinked a few times. "Hm?" I asked, looking up at Batman.

"I asked you if you wanted something to drink," he said.

"Oh," I said. "N-no thank you."

Batman put a hand on my shoulder. "Dick," he whispered. "You don't have to-"

I shook my head. "I'm fine."

"Richard," Black Canary said. "During our sessions, you revealed to me that Deathstroke would beat you if you did anything wrong, correct?" I nodded. Black Canary continued, "Would he used weapons or just his hands?"

"Usually just his hands," I said slightly above a whisper. "He has an arsenal of weapons, but they're usually not used in battle. His main weapons are guns and swords, which he usually didn't use on me. He probably didn't want to risk crippling me."

A couple of the Leaguers nodded grimly. "What weapons did he use on you?" Green Arrow asked.

I bit my lip. I didn't like talking about the weapons he used, since they brought back unpleasant memories. I glanced at Black Canary. I had told her about what Deathstroke did to me when we had sessions together. She nodded slightly, noting my discomfort. "He once told me that his usual punishments concorde of whippings, drownings, electricity, but it was usually just kicking or punching, which were both strong enough to break bones."

"Where were you taken the last time Deathstroke took you?" Wonder Woman asked. "When we were searching for you, he was not at the abandon Cadmus building and none of the villains associated with him would say where he went."

"He brought me to an old apartment building in Gotham. It was the furthest place away from the police and you could sense the crime in the area. I guess it wasn't unusual for kidnappers to be there. I saw plenty of wanted criminals lying low there."

"Do you think that he's still there now?" Wonder Woman asked.

I shook my head. "It would be too dangerous since I know the location."

The League nodded. "How did Deathstroke keep you from running away?" Superman asked.

I swallowed. "Ever since Deathstroke kidnapped me, he kept a collar on me which would send a shock through me it I tried to get out." I shuddered involuntarily. "He wouldn't let me get within three feet of the window or doors and the shock would get worse as I got closer."

Batman put a hand on my arm. "Thank you, Dick," he said quietly. "Do you remember any details from the apartment room you stayed in?"

I swallowed. I'd been so scared, I didn't even remember the name of the apartment or our room number. "I'd know it if I saw it," I said quietly.

Batman nodded. "Well, we can't let you out onto the field, but we may need your help finding the apartment complex."

I swallowed and nodded. "I'll help in any way I can," I said with a newfound determination. Slade was going to pay for what he did to me.

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