Chapter 1

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Evangeline's POV

I take one last glimpse at our home planet, Plhent. I honestly don't think I'll miss it, it's way to colorless. Sometimes I feel like I'm the most colorful thing on that entire planet.

I look back at Rose and give her a reassuring smile, it was my idea to leave. I knew she always wanted to leave, but I was the one who created a plan. My plan was to teleport to Earth and live among the ruins, she couldn't think of anything else so we went with mine.

Rose presses the bottom and the teleporter whirs to life, I can feel it shaking and building up energy to blast us to earth. In seconds we'll be gone, and I have a feeling we won't ever see it again.

Rose presses another button that makes the whole thing spin. I can feel us zoom up and I know we aren't on Phlent anymore. 'Good riddance!!' My mind yells.

"What do you think it will be like?" Rose asks me.

"Maybe like Phlent, but warmer. Our ancestors used to live there, it shouldn't be that different." I say walk away from the door, Rose nods.

"What are we going to do when we get there? What if there isn't any food!" Rose says and starts pacing.

"That's why I took these." I say and pull out my provisions from my pack. Rose relaxes a little at the sight of food, but doesn't stop pacing.

"Don't worry, there has to be some abandoned house." I say, I can feel the transporter slow down, we're almost there.

"But they told us that our ancestors destroyed earth, that there isn't any oxygen left on it. We will die the second we step out the door!" Rose says and her pacing increases.

"Do you really believe that? Come on those are just ghost stories, there has to be oxygen. It once had oxygen so it should again."

"Yes, I really believe that. We could die!! Don't you pay attention in history, on May 15th, 2016 the earth started to collapse."

"That was a long time ago, and no I don't pay attention in history, they're all dead anyway!" I say and the teleporter hits the ground.

It shakes open slowly and we grab onto something so that we don't fall.

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