If I Was Your Vampire

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"I am drawn to women who are independent and creative. Which is problematic because it's a struggle, a competition of careers. There's jealousy." -Marilyn Manson


Darkness. Smooth like silk with slithering tendrils. Touching me, caressing me. There was no light here. Only the formation of the darkness and the shadows. I hear a man's shout, a cry for help. The tendrils only wrap tighter around me, the silky feeling gone, replaced with jagged edges that dug into my skin.

Everywhere they dug, a burning sensation filled my veins. I wanted to scream, to call out, to cry, but I couldn't do anything but lay there, giving myself to these beings of darkness.

It's ironic, really. I spent so much of my life in the dark. When I finally made it out, they pulled me right back in.

If only I had called someone for a ride that day, instead of walking home.


Marilyn had to go do something with the band, leaving me alone for most of the evening. Not that I minded. Abby was staying over at Miguel's, which had become normal for her. Most of her stuff was there anyways.

Currently, I was laying on the floor of my paint room, looking up at the lyrics and quotes I had painted up there, all of them Marilyn's. This room was now my favorite in the whole house. Not just because it gave me a sense of relaxation, but because Marilyn and I had painted together, several times. His own work was hanging on the walls next to mine. A constant reminder of how perfect my life had been for the past three months.

I had just gotten a letter from my step mother, Shari. She missed me dearly. I was the only one who understood my father's weird ways, and she was going crazy being alone with him. She wanted me home for his birthday, which was in a week.

She still doesn't know that I am dating Marilyn. None of my family know. I can't wait for the day I tell them. I want it to be in person, that way I can see their faces.

I turn my gaze away from the ceiling, my eyes resting on the envelope which contained my plane tickets. She had only given me two days warning. Which was very much unlike her. Shrugging, I pick up my phone to text Marilyn, asking when he was going to come over.

It wasn't but ten minutes later when I heard the front door open, and only seconds before he stood towering above me, a smile gracing those blood red lips of his.

"May I inquire as to what you are doing my dear?" I chuckle and pat the floor next to me.

"Join me Brian. It gives you a whole new look in life. Opens your mind." With a shrug, he lays down next to me, grasping my hand in his.

I grab the letter from Shari and put it in front of his face, unable to speak the words I know he would dread. Instead, I placed my head on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart against my ear as his eyes flitted over the words. "How long?"

"Two weeks. No longer than that."

"When you come back, there is only a month before I go on tour. It will just be you and me for that month. No work, no band, no friends. I already cleared it with Abby." I tilt my head up to meet his gaze, and I place a soft kiss on his chin.

"It sounds wonderful. You sure you can handle one full month of me?" He drops the letter on the floor, and places his hand on my hair.

"It's worth every second. You'll keep in touch while you're gone, wont you?"

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