Chapter Five

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The following diary is the hand written diary, kept by Jack Homley:

25th December 1899

Dear Diary

Now I can write, I have decided to write down all the events from my mental diary, just in case I forget them in the future. I have reached the day that my wish came true and I can tell you now, that even though it has been another decade, I still feel so elated when I think about it, even more so now I'm writing it down. I remember Ella rushing down to our house on Christmas morning, she was happier than I had ever seen her. She took me up in her arms and shook me yelling her thanks. Mother and Father were so confused; because Ella was so excited, she could barley make out words to explain. But in the end, all became clear. Ella had had a change of heart since her wish was granted, not that she told my parents this, only me. However, she told them that she was going to give us the home we had been promised along with the fortune and in return, I told mother and father that we should give half of it to the orphans. Ella had also decided to stay in the house along side us and at Christmas dinner, she announced that she was pregnant, something that had happened while she was in heaven with James I assume. She then went on to say that I was the godfather. It was the happiest Christmas of my life. The money had even allowed us to get a proper education. I can now read and write and do all other kinds of things. That night on Christmas Eve, Ella and I went down to the river Thames together. I remember Ella asking. "Will you ever drink it again and make another wish?"

"No," I replied to her plainly. "I'll never need to drink it again, for my life is perfect. Just like your own."

Ella smiled kindly at me. "I agree with you Jack. Our lives are perfect, and I know that I have a perfect afterlife waiting for me with James."

We stared out together, both of us, at the Thames black waters for a long time. The river was calm and the night was tranquil. Both Ella and I stared at it, both with the sensation of gratitude and pure happiness; I'll never forget plunging into its waters, for it was that day that my life truly began.

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