Chapter 1

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Bella's P.O.V

Today I graduated from highschool for the first time as a vampire yay!

We also had to to tell Charlie about us being vampires 3 years ago when we were at the house and Nessie shot from looking 12 to looking 16 in one night. He was actually fine with it. I found it surprising but no one else did they said something along the lines of 'like father like daughter'. Mom and Phil were there too and they also knew other vampires, that was also the last time I saw Scarlett my little sister she was 4 and already modeling and acting she got to work with a lot of celebrities to. Oh how I miss Scarlett. She's like 7 now I wonder what she looks like now.

"Bella," said a familiar voice. Its Charlie. What's he doing here? I turn around to find my father with a little girl about the age of 7. She's beautiful. He has a very tight grip on her arm and is probably leaving bruises.

"Dad. How have you been?" I said. She tried too get out of his grip so her tightened it on her, she winces and she starts to silently cry. I've only ever seen him act like this towards Scarlett. Maybe that's Scarlett . it would explain the harshness. For no reason whatsoever, he hated her.

"Good, and Bella you remember Scarlett," he asked. That is Scarlett! The poor girl.

"Yes is this her?" I asked him. He nodded, and released her arm and I saw bruises where his hand had been.

"Will you and the other Cullen's take her? I can't." He asked me. I nodded and he left.

"Hello Scarlett, come with me," I told her lightly holding her hand and pulled her with me. We finally reached Edward and I picked her up.

"Edward, you remember Scarlett?" I asked and he nodded his head "Well she's staying with us from now on." I continued and he looked at her with sympathy

"What's she thinking?" I asked hoping he can read her mind, oh please be able to.

"She's just it pain the poor girl." He said my poor little sister.

"Ok, well we should probably get home. Everyone else is already there." I said as we got to the car I put Scarlett in the back. When she was buckled, she pulled out an iPhone 5. It has a lavender case with pink and dark purple flowers on it, and its really pretty.
Cullen's House
We got back to the house and Scarlett was literally bouncing up and down, excited to meet new people. Wow. She literally reflects Alice.

"Are we meeting new people?" She asked I nodded. "How many?" She continued.

"Six are you excited?" I asked\ told her. Now she was frowning as if she had just realized something. "What's wrong Scarlett?" I asked.

"What if they're just like daddy and they hate me?" She replies in the smallest and cutest voice ever and she started crying again.

"They will love you," I said wiping her tears and pulling her into a nice soft embrace. When we pulled apart, I grabbed her hand and walked inside.

"How do you think they'll react?" Edward whispered to me. I shrugged. I honestly have no clue

Edwards P.O.V

We walked into the house and now were introducing Scarlett to the family.

"Scarlett, this is Rosalie and Emmet." Bella said gesturing to Rose and Emmett. They were so ecstatic but the thoughts I got from her where heart breaking 'she's so pretty and he's so strong maybe avoiding them is a good idea. '  Rose will be so sad

"Jasper and Alice." I said motioning to them. Jasper was content with her and Alice was overly excited but her thoughts on Jasper crushed me again. 'Jasper looks like her hates me but I like Alice. Maybe I'll play with her!' At least she likes some of her family so far.

"And then Carlisle and Esme." Said Bella motioning towards them. They were also ecstatic, them her thoughts on Esme were okay 'Esme is sooooo pretty! Maybe I can play with her hair! Would she let me?? I wonder, and Carlisle is friends with Charlie! I'm not going anywhere near him!' Aw she's so cute but she's scared of Carlisle. 'How do you think Eame would feel if I hug her? Maybe she wouldn't mind, but she's next to Carlisle. Maybe just one little hug then I could run back to Bella and Eddie.' Wow she really likes Esme but is terrified of Carlisle. Next thing I know, she poked Bella so Bells squatted down beside her.

"Can I hug Esme?" She whispered so soft in Bella's ear I could barely hear her, so that meant only Bella and I were the only ones who heard her, Bella looked at me unsure and I gave her a nod and so Bella looked at Scarlett and nodded standing up, and Scarlett went super fast and hugged Esme happily and tightly smiling. Esme smiled and hugged her back lightly 'Yayy! Esme does like me!' She thought then looked at Carlisle and at the sight of him she was back with us again. I swear she has vampire speed. Bella picked her up and Scarlett rested her head on Bella's shoulder and slowly fell asleep. So we layed  her on the couch and Alice and Esme got to work on her room.

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