The Change

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 The next day we are awoken once again by a phone ringing. Only difference was we'd both passed out on opposite ends of the couch and it was my living room phone. Justin groaned and rolled over while I grabbed the phone and answered.

"What?" I said rubbing my temple.

"Good morning to you too."

Oh shit....why is Jeremy calling me at....12? Fuck.

"Sorry, I'm just tired. " I pulled myself into an upright position.

"Well get up so we can go to lunch."

I turned my head and looked at the big sleeping thing on the other end of the couch while I contemplated my answer. Breakfast sounded amazing, but I don't know if this hangover was going to permit any driving.

"I kind of have a guest over right now."

"Oh...really? So what about dinner?" He seemed put out.

"Alright, call me later."

"Bye sweetie."


I hung up the phone and threw myself onto the couch, loudly sighing. I felt bad that Jeremy seemed a tad upset. What could he possibly be thinking about me having a guest over when it sounded like I had just woken up? He probably thinks the worst of me.

"Who was that?" There goes that morning voice...ugh.

"Jeremy. He wants to go to dinner tonight."

"Oh. So are you gonna go?"

"Of course I am."

"So do you think tonight is the night?" Justin said rolling back over.

"For what?"

"For you to get some."

"Justin, I'm not in the mood right now." my head was hurting something crucial and I just wanted him to shut up.

"Cassy, when was the last time you got some?"

"What?" I looked at him annoyed.

"Don't say what..answer the question."

"This is really none of your business, Justin. Leave me alone."

"Cassy, was it-"


I got up and walked into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet trying to figure out why my heart was beating so fast. Questions about my sex life really get to me. My dating life has been an absolute wreck for as long as I've had one, and there's nothing about my life outside of that that has made it easier. But why wasn't I having sex? People have casual sex. That's a normal occurrence. I know casual sex isn't for me though. I've already been down that road. I can't go down it again. Maybe it is time to take it to the next level with Jeremy. He's cute, he's tall, he's good to me....I mean, we can't all be perfect. Right?


"So what did Justin tell you?" I said looking at Reese over my orange juice. We were having breakfast at BLD and she had just given me a full rundown of her date.

"About what?"

"About why he hadn't spoke to me."

"Look, you know I love you. But that's not something I feel like I should tell you."

"Is this a joke?"

"I've known Justin almost as long as I've known you. We have an understanding."

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