This Is Hard

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Natasha's POV

So i was on my way to gym which is my last period and i had that class with Brian and Devin. Devin and Alexa have gotten really close the past few weeks. The girls were starting to stretch out for our pacer test. I hated that. The boys were still in the locker room and my teacher sent me to go get them. But there was only Devin and Josh inside. I kinda overheard a conversation Devin had with his friend josh from the locker room in the gym. Ooops sorry, not sorry. I was so telling Alexa. So this is the conversation...

JOSH: Dude she's hot whats wrong with you?

Devin:So what i know she is but i really like her. Im not trying to get into her pants anymore. I wanna actually date her. Sorry dude but im gonna ask her on a date to see a scary movie because those are her favorite.

Josh: What the hell is wrong with you! Do you hear yourself? The point was to get into her room and you know...Ever since you and Veronica 'did it' you became the most populest ever. You have to maintane this Dev. You cant have people know your in Love. Your a ladies man just get with Alexa and then drop her. This is your only chance man. 

Devin: Okay okay fine... whatever man. (End of conversation)

I couldnt believe Josh oh my god. But Devin for actually doing what josh said. I couldnt help but run inside.

"Your a jerk Devin i cant believe your gonna play my girl lke that. I knew from the begging that you were like that. UGH and dont worry your not getting with Alexa, Im telling her!" I was about to run back out when i felt a tight grip on my arm. 

"You wouldnt wanna do that. Alexa seems happy with Devin dont ruin there 'relationship'. She would hate you for that." said Josh smirking at me aware that he was right. But alexa was my bestfriend she had to trust me. 

"Leave me." i said snatching my hand from him." She knows me to well to know that i wouldnt lie to her and she would believe me" I ran out not knowing what i was gonna actually say to Alexa or how i was gonna say it.



I was in my last period class when i felt my phone buzz. It was a text message from Natasha.

Natasha <3: Alexa meet me after school by the park. I need to tell you something.

Me: Okay but why?

After i sent her that message she didn't reply. What was so important? Was she moving? ohh god no! I wasn't paying much attention in class after what she sent me. I kept checking my phone for a text but i didn't get one. The teacher noticed my phone and gave me the 'thats a warning so put it away' look. I kinda nodded and stared at my notebook for the last 5 minutes of class. I was so into my thoughts that i didn't even notice the bell ringing. I only noticed when i felt a pair oh hands over my eyes covering them. I giggled and immediately knew it was Devin. He turned me around so that i was face to face- wait who am i kidding our noses werent even cetimeters apart. 

"Hey" he said with a slight smile on his face. Me and him had gotten very close and i can safley say my feelings for him grew more and more everyday. He would wait for me downstairs from my house. But i was still a little worried about what Natasha had sent me.

"Whats wrong? Why the face?" he said tilting my face so that i was now looking up at him.

"Can you really notice that im worried?" I said to him.

"UMM yeah sorta..." he said laughing a bit. "Buts whats wrong?"

"Well Natasha is whats wrong...She told me to meet her at the park that she had to tell me something. And i think she's kinda seriouse about this. I-I just dont know what if something bad happend to her? or she moving?" I said worrisome filling my eyes. 

"Well then can i come with?" He said looking as worried as me

"Umm i guess." I said walking out the class dragging him with me


Wow this is bad! That big mouth Natasha better not say nothing. Once she sees me shes gonna tell Alexa never mind...RIGHT? I hope. Im freaking out. I really like alexa its just i have to stay cool or im gonna get made fun of. I cant let that happen. Wow my palms are sweating. I can see Natasha from a distance. She had a long black coat on with gloves, i mean we are in the middle of winter. I felt Alexa grip her hand on mine meaning she sees Natasha too and shes nervous. 

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