Liam's POV

At the end of the tour I knew where all forty-one rooms of the school were. Ranging from the library; to the cafeterias; to the auditorium (that doubles as two drama class rooms); to the English department; and the math department; science department; phys ed department; and the arts department.

“There, now you know your way around. Do you still think you're going to get lost?” Niall askedme.

I nodded, “Yes.”

He laughed, “Of course you do Li.”

He was showing me where his room was, and where Louis' room was, so if I neeed to know, I would.

When we got there, there was a note on the door;


Zayn Malik has requested a room switch.

A new room mate will be places shortly.

Our regards,

The Main Office

After he, Niall had read it, he crumpled it up.

“The cunt can't even stay in the same dorm as me after he cheated.” He said darkly.

“Do you want to be alone?” I asked after a while; because when we got into the room, he started throwing things – books, bedding, everything – and started swearing, and I don't think I'd call it crying, but he had let two or three tears shed.

He spun around quickly, and gripped my hands tightly.

“Wha- no! Please don't! I don't want to be alone, and-and I'll miss you if you leave.” He said, almost close to tears.

“C'mon, let's lay down.” I suggested.

He nodded, and lead me to the bed, that wasn;t messed up, and we lied down. Him with his head on my chest as we just lied there. Not talking. Because words weren't needed needed, until we drifted to sleep.


Niall's new room mate came in – in shock. The room was a mess. But the thing that shocked him the most were the two boys lying in the bed. It's not that he was against gays, oh no, he's very much a gay rights activist. It was the state of the boys that shocked him. One had a look that screamed, miserable, with tears streaking his face, as he clutched onto the other as though if he were to let go he'd leave him. And the other had an angry-ish look on his face, h too had tea tracks not as prominent, but they were there, and he was holding the other the same way. If he were to let go, the boy would leave.

He's not sure what happened here, but he knows the two deserve their privacy. He places his bags by the door, as to no disturb the rooms aura, which he had guessed had not been so calm earlier, and he backed out of the room. He'd introduce himself later.

End Notes: Who's Niall's new room mate? Let me know who you think. :)

Boy Of His Dreams ~ (Niam, AU boyxboy) [ON-HOLD{Until farther notice}]Where stories live. Discover now