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"For the existing mortal, days in their life.
For the wise and grateful, a life in their days."


Gathering the people. Murmuring among the crowd with a heavy weight of concern and nervousness dampening the atmosphere. Children skipping along with their parents, and conversation sparking throughout them all. Rooftops were eaten by bright color. An indication that the residents are gone. Some already discuss what they think The Tier Head will say, some patiently waiting, walking to where a mass gathered. All while the man himself shortened the distance between him and the mansion to retrieve his Bearer. Folded pictures stayed tucked into the spine of the old tattered book Elenora had previously skimmed through in pure curiosity. The woman left it. She sat, her new novel open in her palms, as the shaky feeling of his soul grew stronger, approaching the door. 18 unfortunately gave Elenora no warning and he hated the fact of abruptly giving her the message that she will be standing in front of The Center Holds entire first district, but he had no choice. The man must be quick and punctual.
Swinging the front door open and marching for the library, he did not intend to delay. Still the woman sat and read, determined not to look up from the text, and she didn't. Elenora didn't look up until the man suddenly entered the room and came marching toward her. No, not only did she look up, Madam stood up as well, shutting the book on her finger so her place would be kept, and unintentionally but obviously appearing concerned.
"I... Is something wrong?" she asked.
"You have to come with me. Quickly." The man did not bother to explain, his mind trying to focus on his speech, but fighting over wanting to relieve Elenora. Madam followed close behind, confused but sure he knew what he was doing.
"Why? Have I done something wrong?"
Abruptly, 18 stopped, causing Elenora to almost bump into him, and he turned around with a smile, grabbing her shoulders. "A Bearer must be present and punctual for The Tier Head's announcement."
"An... an announcement?"
Hastily, he turned around and continued his way to the front door. A button similar to his, was handed to the woman, and she took it, despite the nervous feelings that turned in her stomach. It pinned beautifully on the collar of her dress.
"Precisely. Just an announcement." he replied.
No reply, but the same anxiety. The entire District Unem of the Center hold standing under the raised platform, eyes bouncing from her and the Tier Head, listening while admiring the woman who would bring them their next leader. Many who have never even laid their eyes on her beauty before, and she knew this, for she was nervous to see the faces of the folks when it is not only the Tier Head that walks before them onto the stage. Down the steps their feet carried them, leading her to the gathering. Elenora frankly knew, that just because she dreaded standing among clusters of people, listening ears, and roaming eyes, everyone was not going to drop everything and pardon. The woman had no choice but to stand and let them stare. The only thing she could do now in the meantime, was drag her mind to the bright side of the simple situation. Everything was fine. Most importantly, she wouldn't have to speak. Simple. How funny when she realized that the hardest task she would perform is standing. Not a word would be required to come from her mouth. As a matter of fact, this was by far the least frightful situation she has found herself in. A small giggle slipped from her lips. The Tier Head looked at her with a smile, still walking as he approached the dock and untied the rowboat.
"What's so funny?" he asked, untying the ropes.
"I was just thinking about how silly I must of sounded just now!" She was surprised that he had heard her with a sound so small and innocent.
"How so?"
"Of all the things I have been scared out of my wits of since I have been here, I am terrified of simply standing in front of a crowd!" she replied as she stepped into the boat and sat on its wooden seat. He chuckled slightly. "Don't you worry. It's not as bad as you think... You'll get used to it if you do it often."
18s assurance made her feel somewhat better, but Madam had to experience it herself. Drawing nearer and nearer to the source didn't aid her anxiety and the closer they got, the more the feeling filled her mind and heart. Setting off and bobbing slowly until the water embraced them. A deep fear and hatred for bodies of water that boiled in her heart after her death, only a small sense of security temporarily tamed it.
"You're not nervous?" she asked.
Again he smiled, rowing the boat along the quiet lake. "Not in the slightest!" He replied. "It's just like having a serious conversation. Don't tell them anything that they already know, and make it straight and to the point!"
Elenora grinned and giggled a bit, as she watched the water rush by, the gleaming of the three moons licking the water with white ripples on black, and the solemn thoughts of the Hominum Tier rushing away, forgotten for a second. It felt like this was normal to her. The crowds were gathering and waiting patiently, all as anxious to hear what he has to say as The Mortem Bearer was. A Tier Guard that ranked a five, five crisp metals pinned to his coat, waiting to escort The Tier Head up the stairs and onto the platform. District Unem spoke among themselves, children held onto the hands of their chattering mothers and fathers. How they all hoped for good news. The attack on the city was enough, now the last they hoped was that there was no type of negativity or devastation that followed. They wouldn't wait. 18 wouldn't let them. The news would sound good now, but no one, not even The Tier Head himself knew what would come of waiting in the bushes like a tiger, waiting for prey to come, waiting to pounce. Yet it was a mystery if the prey would even dare to sniff around.
Gradually, the talking came to a murmur, and a murmur to silence. Everyone's voices lowered as the beam of attention narrowed. Finally, after a few brief moments, they had arrived. Now standing behind The Tier Head, hearing the roar of the population quiet down, was Elenora, and it made her heart feel lighter than air. Composure was key and Madam was determined to keep it. Below the platform and the line of five ranks that stood on it, a dapper young gentleman waited next to the two, a satchel slung across his shoulder, a paper and pen, crisp, ready for words from 18 to fill his headline. A sharp shrill voice of a Five eliminated the ones from the crowd completely.
"Mortem Tier!" he shouted. "The Mortem Tier Head of 18 has arrived along with The Bearer of 18 to give a few announcements!"
Elenora's chest dropped to the floor at the merciless mention of her new title. Stepping back, and turning towards the stairs, arching his hand, was the cue for The Tier Head to march up the stairs and begin.
"Good luck, sir!" The journalist waved.
"Thank you." he replied. The man fixed his pin and adjusted his collar and began up the stairs, every step more and more like a dream to Elenora. She followed him, excitement surging through her limbs like a neon sign, and when her eyes met the crowd, nothing in the world could make her look away. They were still. With their eyes slowly following The Tier Head until another sight interrupted the commonality. Some smiled and watched the oblivious elegance of the woman. Even the children contained their excitement of seeing The Tier Head of 18 and kind Elenora who they knew they already loved. Lucky she was to have a small girl to teach her the salute in the beginning. The same girl who stood in the crowd with amazement slapped across her face as she looked up at who was the new Bearer. She turned with 18 as they saluted the Five ranks, and a brief silence. Madam could hear her breath and beating heart. Then turning to the crowd, the salute was thrown in the air with a flick of the wrist. His right hand up, and Elenora mimicked without being told. Everyone silenced and staring up at their leader and their new Bearer with their hands arched in respect for the moment and anticipation for his words following. The breathless bodies and still veins. The pale, cold skin and every set of bright mustard yellow eyes staring up at her. This is what she had waited for for all of her life. This moment had whispered to her. This is where Elenora wanted to be. To stay.
"Center Hold!" The strong, deep but powerful voice of The Tier Head echoed and bounced off of each building, snapping her back to what she couldn't believe was reality. Their hands were down now, their ears listening closely.
"As you are aware, by my orders, our soldiers of the Center Hold are currently bringing a Hominum city to their knees as a powerful recoil from their grisly attack on our innocent families!" he shouted. "If they even begin to think that striking back is a witty option, they are as foolish as the men they sent here to annihilate us, and just like those men, they will fail miserably!" Shaky silence to let it simmer.
"And so, Mortem's of the Center Hold and all four courageous Holds surrounding us, I ask you to watch closely. The city streets and neighborhoods and shops, theaters and minster in all. If there is so much as a slight suspicion, it is your duty to notify my men, for if we catch any vein pumping, shortsighted swine, foolish enough come to the Mortem Tier, It will be my duty to eliminate them and rid them from our homes permanently!" Elenora and the entire population listened to each and every word that poured from his mouth and each word filled them with hope and relentlessness for justice. Punctuated and flowing. Each word building the strength brick by brick.
"Secondly, as for the love ones lost and their grieving families, you will be notified in advance for your departure to the minster for The Ceremony of the Lost. And afterward, it will be open for anyone who desires to enter and pray for them as well."
"Lastly..." he finished. "I want to thank you all. Families... Friends... Loved ones... For standing strong against our enemy. All of you. You are courageous, hard working, and valiant, and we will triumph! We will end this war! For our generation and for the generation to come!" With those last words, his hand shot up, followed by the powerful wave, arched above them all, strong willed and persistent, waiting for the last sentence.
"Long live the Mortem Tier!" The man shouted.
"Long live the Mortem Tier!" Having to almost shut her eyes at the wave of voices in unison. Men, women, and children chanted, the spoken sentence like a powerful explosion. 18 turned on his heel and to the stairs, gripping Elenora's soft hand in his. Madam hadn't even noticed that he did, for she was still blown away by the excitement and empowerment of it all.
"Yet again, a perfect speech, sir 18!" Stopped by a Two rank.
"Thank you, good sir." The Tier Head replied.
"And as for you, my lady, you did exceptional yourself!"
Madam gifted another smile. How breathtaking she was, 18 briefly thought. Especially when her face was beautifully painted with the elegant masterpiece that was her smile .
"Thank you very much, sir!" she beamed. The guard smiled. She noticed that he was the same guard who brought her to The Tier Head in the beginning. How it felt so long ago, though it wasn't, everything was so different now. Everything was so unusual and to her, abnormal. Abnormally familiar. Not a moment was lost. The two made their way quickly to the mansion to dress for the minster, Elenora now noticing that he held her small hand inside his and that he has been. This feeling was different as well but she did not pull her hand back. No one had ever done that before, and her cheeks grew hot. The feeling of his strong hand holding her fragile one was happy, and she felt safe, like no one in their right mind would hurt her ever again. Stealing her from her thoughts again was his voice.
"You did amazing, love. You didn't seem the least bit nervous."
"Really? W-well thank you!" The gift of her smile never grew old.

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