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The green trees, the light blue skies, the fresh air. All of that didn't compare. Not to what she saw when the Mortem leader raised his finger, pointing to the "sky". Like giant hanging church bells made of glass and stone that dangled from above. One hovered over her with nothing but a small piece of the city inside it. The others hung in the distant clouds, acting as fog, it hid the other pieces of the city of The East Hold. One being bigger than two of the bells combined, it was where the weather was made or Halitus as the Mortem's would refer to it. Fumes drained into the clouds, making it pour rain now on the Mortem Tier below. The smallest ones that held factories and shops inside. The next where the families lived and the children ran and played. The smallest was so large, it would take hours to meander from the bottom to top. Looking up from the underneath rendered the human bearer completely at awe. She found it strikingly interesting that the city was made this way, dangling over water that they had to travel to the sky for. Mortems walked in the bells streets above them. Mortem's casually walked and children ran back and forth across the bridges above them. The buildings stuck to the insides like tiny snails on the wall of a cup. Paths that jotted from the walls, connecting streets and bridges intertwined and piled to the top. It was surreal. Nothing like this could even be executed with human effort.
The boat still bobbed lightly like a small speck on top of a body of water whose depth could not be measured. It tapped the dock, and The Tier Head disembarked, securing it quickly, then holding a hand out for Elenora. She took it, and the feeling of being on solid ground renewed a comfortable feeling. Two men, Four Ranks greeted the two with a fist to their chests and a bow. At this, they made their way to the minster where the first base of many was to be secured.
Their footsteps were in sync, soles of shoes simultaneously meeting the wood of the dock. One man, Clarus was his name, like all, was tall and very slim, had very dark yellowish amber eyes. He was lively, but got to his work and orders. He tugged at the collar of his long coat as he walked.
"The Hominum's are quite active lately." he said.
The Head chuckled slightly." Very much so. That raid was sudden, but it's no surprise... With this new Hominum Tier Head, treaties and armistices haven't been a clear option for the poor fool."
The two men cracked a smile and one a small snicker as they entered an electric powered elevator. They laughed at the humans puny attempts at warfare. Madam smiled but said not a word, listening as the men chattered away. The second man, Barnaby, cleared his throat.
"Poor fool..." he repeated. "Nevertheless, if they decide to raid again, it will be painstakingly difficult to enter after we're done." He said it confidently, but his eyes stared down, watching the water grow more distant as they were lifted to the inside of the main bell.
18 added smoothly.'"You certainly don't lie, sir! I'm positive at some point, we'll take out a number of human bases as well."
The steam elevator they stood on stopped, waiting patiently for them to step off. The East Hold Mister grew closer by the moment. Their deep voices and ever so often booming laughter in unison, almost seemed as if they had forgotten the serious situation for a brief second as they strode hastily to the building.
"And you, Mrs. 18," Clarus smiled. "It must be quite exhausting for you as well, I'm sure!" Madam once again bestowed the priceless gift of her smile. "But in the end, it's most certainly worth it!"
The church stood tall and miraculous, simply waiting for the men to scope it and shut it down. Three ranks stayed planted at the front, watching as the four gained, and saluting them as they approached. One of many bases the man would secure. Unfortunately, it had to be the main church of the bells, leaving the citizens small churches to pray. The doors of the building were locked shut by his orders, forbidden for the public's safety.
"Sir and Madam 18! You've arrived!" A young Three metal bowed with a smile so warm and welcoming. "Are we ready to begin?"
"Yes, we are. Has there been any indication of activity from inside the base, Madam Emilse?" The Tier Head adjusted his collar and gazed at the towering holy doors.
"No sir, no activity."
"Alright..." he muttered. "Quickly, men. We cannot waste any time. A simple sweep will do, and if you come across anything remotely unsettling, alive or dead, report it, and dispose of it. Understood?"
"Yes, sir." Barnaby and Clarus began their way to the door after a hasty bow. Quickly, 18 turned to Madam Elenora before he followed the Four Ranks into the church.
"Elenora... Love... I'll be back." he said, kissing her on the cheek and marching to the door. The girl's face turned red, something utterly noticeable among the unchanging pale faces of the dead.
"S.. stay safe."
The three men said not a word as the Three Ranks stepped aside, and they slowly pulled open the heavy door. A small crack revealed the solid darkness that lied inside, and they slipped in, shutting the door softly behind their steps. The pews and altar creaked and moaned in reply to their footsteps. Two faint candles with wax burnt to a pool sat at the front along with it. The men dispersed like tadpoles in a pond, taking slow and methodical steps, and their eyes served as faint light for the dark dwellers. Under pews and seats, in every pocket, every crack and crevice, he hunted for irregularities. Weaving up and down every row, 18 glued his eyes to the underneath, assuring himself that there was nothing unnatural to report, and infact, there wasn't. This verdict determined by minutes of picky and repetitive sweeping. Now, the altar. As the Four ranks searched the back and numerous separate rooms, The Tier Head scanned the front, the altar itself as untouched as the front door. Nothing in particular caught his eye except for the small vials of liquid that was kept in the church regularly. They sat in a small case underneath the altar. This by all means couldn't be accessible to humans. In his opinion, they already destroyed enough without the enhancing power of elixirs. The man took it, finishing the bottom floor, and by the faint sound of their footsteps after a while, The Tier Head considered the search concluded and the base secured.
Gradually, drifting their way back to the front, they were done in no less than ten measly minutes.
By the slow creak of the church door, Elenora jumped.
"Nothing too extraordinary, I take it?"
Asked Emilse, as the others heads turned to face the three as they exited the minster. Elenora's attention was now directed toward him and a smile came across her face, her cheeks turning soft pink again.
"No, Madam. Nothing." 18 replied.
Emilse turned to face the minster, uttering a soft 'good' under her breath. The Tier Head rested his hand on the door, then forcefully pushing on the wood with his palm. The Tier Head's hand illuminated a bright orange, his glove stretching over his knuckles as he strenuously dragged his palm across the frame.
"Non intrant."
Latin words burnt into the wood underneath his hand, a warning that informed everyone not to enter. The glow of his hand faded, he dusted himself off, and no one said a word.
"Well," he said. "I suppose we're done here."
"...Yes, sir." A sharp but generous reply.
18 held out his hand to Barnaby, then Clarus shaking them both, giving the two a sharp smile and a sincere thanks.
"I'm off to the third bell. Keep your guard until the all clear."
"Yes sir!" A flow carried. Their voices in unison.
"Long live the Tier!"
"Long live the Tier...!" Threes and Fours echoed. 18 took Madam Elenoras hand and they began making their way to the next destination. The last and final place that was required to be secured lied in District Duo, and he was almost positive he'd discover something there. Untouched by Mortem's since the Tier was lead by 16, but bustling with humans even before so. It was unknown as to why humans appear in random areas such as an old photography studio, just as it was unknown as to why they appeared in one of the main theatres in The Center Hold. Countless Hominum bases have been destroyed there, yet they relentlessly refuse to stop coming or at the least, change positions. The day the buildings owner couldn't manage and eliminate all of the accumulating dead, fleshy corpses in his building, was the day that he dropped everything and ran. He never properly closed it. The only thing left on the door was "No longer in service. Do not enter building. Hominum inside." The words of ash burnt in Latin on his door, and no one had stepped foot in there once. After the recent raid, The Tier Head wasn't going to joyously hand them an invitation to do the same in The East Hold. If the humans wanted to get in, they have their ways around the suffocation if they know better, and the only ones that know how to get by in the Mortem Tier also know how to get by with working for The Hominum Tier Head, and 18 was going to shut it down if it took every ounce of his effort and then some.
When he watched the docks get closer as he descended in the elevator, he knew that they were smart enough to find a way to escape being robbed of their precious air, but not quick or powerful enough to find a way to kill off his guards after the dizzy lung-sucking scare. 18 strategized and predicted in his mind like an analyzing machine, and there was no stopping him until a witty solution surfaced. If the humans don't fall back after the shut downs, considering how foolishly stubborn their human leader was, he will make sure the Mortem's fists are up then. As he arrived in the interior of the third bell and to the small building, at times, he was glad that his thoughts passed time for him. It got him places quicker.
"Sir and Madam." Standing attention with their fists to their chest, they greeted The Tier Head and Bearer of 18, watching as they quickly approached the small shop.
"Gentlemen." he addressed.
"Are we ready to secure, sir?"
"Yes we are." He nodded. "I need only two of you for now."
Two men stepped to his view, their hands to their chest in a fist and both gave a sharp bow.
"Sir." One to the right responded. "Cassius, at your service."
Now to the left. Bringing his fist to his chest and pins, this mans voice much deeper than a more normally softer spoken Cassius, he exclaimed "Pollux. At your service, sir."
A nod and a gesture was all the two needed from their leader to indicate that he needed to two to follow him to begin the process. His attention was brought now to the Three ranks that guarded the front.
"What is the status of the building, Sir. Beaumont?"
"Currently, no activity, sir." The Three replied, his voice monotone, his eyes exhausted.
"Alright. Thank you."
A small nod from the Three, and they continued their way inside. Elenora, stopped when they entered, and so did 18, causing the guards to stop as well.
"Why don't you come with us, love? You could do well with this search... You do have something we don't."
She slowly followed him. Madam felt a bit of nervousness in contributing to such a big job.
Grasping the handle, the door was somewhat stuck due to lack of use. It took a little bit of force to open it. Making the latch unhook as it's been the opposite for so long, the inside gave off the same feel as the door did. Stuck and unused.
"What do you mean?" she asked slipping inside and past him.
"You have a sense of smell. We do not... I'm certain that that sense will come in handy... Especially here." he replied as he kept with the two Fours paces. A mess like a city after a tornado hit was briefly visible to the outside before the group slipped in and instantaneously shut the door. The woman knew instantly what he talked about. Flesh. Rotting flesh. The odor was soaked into the peeling walls, the carpet. She could smell it, it made her dizzy, but she stuck close by 18 with her small hand over her mouth and nose. Books scattered open to random and torn pages, spilled bottles of chemicals already stuck and dried to the carpet, busted frames, and scattered half developed pictures. The silence pulled it all together as the four took the building in, then the silence was shattered and broken like the cracked and broken glass windows.
"Alright." The word was set down. "Cassius, sir, I suppose you could begin by starting from that room and working your way here." 18 pointed to the doors that hung from the hinges like a thread, leading into a separate room full of half hung photographs.
"Sir Pollux, I suggest that you start from the attic and work your way down here."
Fist to their chests and haste bows.
"Elenora and I will search this room and we will all meet up here once the task is completed."
"Yes, sir."
By his word, they split, sent off into the directions they were ordered to go.
Elenora made her way to the opposite end of the room, beginning her search, skimming through a small closet space and numerous drawers. The entire building shook her bones. It made her uneasy. Never had she ever had to search through any abandoned building for anything unknown. The matter was foreign to her, but the fact that she was not alone comforted her nervousness. Sliding open a wooden drawer, a revolver tapped the wooden walls of it. Under it, lied a picture. What once used to be a photograph of the owner's family was now tarnished and ruined. She thought it a shame. Slowly picking up the gun as if it were going to set off any minute. Looking over at 18, Elenora watched as he curiously searched for a moment, and she made her way over to him with it. Tapping him on the shoulder, quickly he turned around to meet her eyes, than what she was holding.
"I... I found a gun." she squeaked. The man took it, closely examining it, all concentration visible in his face. He turned it over in his hands a few times, scanning it thoroughly.
"Its human..." 18 murmured. Madam watched carefully, watching his eyes and jaw, his demeanor. The Tier Head unloaded it and scanned the bullets, careful not to drop them.
"A Hominum gun made for Mortem ammunition... Interesting... They're making use of our bullets..."
"What will you do with it?"
The Tier Head reloaded it, slipping it in his pocket and smiling. "We'll take it back with us... I'll tamper with it later to see what they know of our weaponry... Thank you, love. You're quite the sleuth!"
Elenora smiled and made her way back to her small area to continue scoping. 18 now continued sweeping the desk he was searching. Chemicals spilt all over it, ruining the desk underneath. It was messy and looked as if everything were thrown aside at a single moment of panic. He began to open the drawers. Rapidly opening and shutting empty drawers, there was nothing too obscure. Papers with faded and ruined handwriting, stained and tainted lies here and there. Pictures of stern looking Mortem's, children, adults, but nothing more. They were scattered about and kicked all over the floor too. It was almost solemn. The poor man who had a family just leaving everything behind, and running. This was his life. What he enjoyed doing and what he spent most of his days engaged in. This is how he survived and everything was taken from him all at an instant.
"Poor chap..." The Tier Head thought. He ran his fingers over the fragile wooden window frames and slowly pressed his thumb against the cracked window glass.
"What a shame..."
Elixirs left scattered about in cabinets that 18 immediately took, but nothing more. It was saddening. The man left barely anything behind. He took everything. Everything but his photographs. 18 ran his hand over the rough counter under the cabinets as he walked away, his glove catching on the small jagged splinters of wood that stuck out from it.
"Tier Head, sir!"
A shrill yell from the separate room. Elenora's head shot in the direction of Cassius's call. Quickly, like a compressed spring, 18 spun and sprinted to Cassius and so did she. The loud footsteps that flew down the stairs belonged to Pollux. Standing in the middle of the room, was Cassius, standing straight and tall but holding out a slender finger pointing to the open storing closet. The Tier Head looked alarmed but nothing attacked Cassius. Nothing moved. He just stood still, pointing.
"What is it, Cassius?"
The young guard's eyes met theirs. "Bodies, sir."

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