Meet Chara

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Frisk's P.O.V
I wake up, get dressed, and start a new adventure.
"New day new adventure.." I say to myself as I leave my house
I see a human-like shadow near a tree and walk towards it
"Hello? Is anyone there?" I say standing a little far from the tree just in case whatever is behind attacks me.
"H-hi." The voice says
"Can you come out?" I say smiling and extending a hand out "it's ok"
The human comes out from behind the tree and looks down at the ground with one hand behind their  back
"Hi. I'm frisk! Nice to meet you!" I say smiling
"Hi... I'm Chara..." Chara says looking up a little bit and doing a almost evil-like grin
"Do... You know anyone named papyrus?.... Around here?...." Says chara
"Uhm... Yeah actually" I say
"Hmm.... Ok" chara says walking away. As she turns I see a knife behind her back with blood. My eyes widen and I follow her trying to find out what they are going to do
I just met some girl named frisk. She seems like the nice kind. Someone to go down the pacifist route. But I'm not here to make friends. I'm going to do what I came here for. to kill everyone. Every little monster here and crush their little soul and laugh so hard that--
I think I got carried away didn't I.
I keep on walking to see if I can find a monster I can kill.
I was thinking about killing papyrus that's why I asked frisk. But I think I can find him myself without her help" I think to myself grinning widely as I come to a house with two mail boxes and I knock on the door. Papyrus opens the door and says "ooh! Why hello. How may the great papyrus help you?" Papyrus says smiling
I pull my knife out and enter a battle with him
And soon defeat him his eyes fills with tears and he says " I believe in you human..... I believe in you" and his soul shatters. I walk away smiling

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