Leave me alone

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- Alexa’s POV –

I couldn’t concentrate on the movie at all. All I could think about was how ridiculous this whole situation is. I should’ve just sat next to Lisa it would’ve been fine. Except I know it wouldn’t have been fine. Every time I’m near her I fall even more in love and that can’t happen. As soon as the movie was over I rushed upstairs and went to bed without saying a word. Hopefully everyone will forget about it by tomorrow.

- Lisa’s POV –

Once again I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t help thinking about how Alexa avoided me. Come to think of it she didn’t look at me once during dinner, which is strange. We had got on so well to start with! I can’t think what I’ve done to upset her. Well whatever it is I hope everything goes back to normal soon because I love spending time with her. She’s so sweet! I’m supposed to be giving her a makeover tomorrow so maybe I can apologise for whatever I’ve done then. I just hope she’ll forgive me.

- Lauren’s POV –

“Morning guys,” I heard Lisa say. I opened my eyes and saw her coming into the room with an apple. She was already dressed. I must have slept in!

“So am I the last one up?” Dani said from below me.

“Nope,” I managed to say through a yawn.

I heard the door open and saw Alexa walk in with wet hair. She must have been in the shower.

“Hey!” Lisa said taking Alexa’s hand and leading her over to the bed, “I am supposed to be giving you a makeover today so sit down and relax and I’ll get started.”

Alexa shook her hand free of Lisa’s. “Actually, I’m not really in the mood thanks,” she said turning away from us and sorting out the pile of clothes next to her bed.

“Wait, what? It’ll be fun I promise!” Lisa said walking over to Alexa.

“I said I’m not in the mood! Just leave me alone.” Alexa said, storming out of the room.

Lisa looked over at me and she looked really hurt. I would be too, it’s so strange how Alexa’s turned on Lisa. She told me she had a crush on her, but she’s sure not acting like it! Oh. I think I just realised why she’s been avoiding her. Maybe she still has feelings for her? Well, I don’t know for sure so I can’t say anything to Lisa but I might have to talk to Alexa if this goes on much longer.

“What did I do?” Lisa asked looking straight at me.

“Oh..erm..im not sure.. sorry” I said turning away from her. She can always tell when I’m lying.

- End of Chapter –

**Authors note**

Hope you’re enjoying the story!

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