Chapter 6

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Long chapter. I hope this makes up for me not posting yesterday and maybe not tomorrow. Idk. I regret not pretyping this sooo much. But luckily I'm pretyping the next few so that's a good.

"Ludy!" Feliciano called running into Ludwig's arms.

"You came." Ludwig said as if he was a mix of happy and surprised.

"I wouldn't miss it." Feliciano smiled, brightly, hugging Ludwig tightly.

The moment was perfect, as the sun rose over the horizon. The grass dancing in the light wind. It felt like hours that they stared into each other's eyes.

The light brown, sparkling eyes and the light brown hair, with one hair standing out from the others. Ludwig could find himself lost in Feliciano's eyes for hours. Feliciano was like the sun rising brightly


The blue icy eyes where nothing like his warmth and the blond slicked back hair, that would aways end up getting messy. Feliciano knew that Ludwig wasn't like any other German or anyone for that matter. Ludwig was like the sun that saved him from the dark.

No matter what Roma did, Feliciano was sure that he and Ludwig could never be split apart.

Who knows how long they stayed like that. But as they broke free of there hug, Feliciano smiled. Ludwig thought it was brighter than the sun it's self.

"Ludy your it!" Feliciano tagged Ludwig before running off.

Ludwig sighed 'what a pain.' He thought smiling, before he ran after Feliciano.


They stayed in the field for most of the day. Before walking into the village.

Ludwig never really talked about his job. All Feliciano knew was that he was sent to watch this village along with other soldiers. Feliciano had no idea why soldiers needed to watch such a peaceful town. He didn't really think too much about it. At least Ludwig was stationed near Feliciano, that's all that really mattered.

Feliciano wasn't sure but it seemed that lately there were more soldiers in the village. They didn't really bother Feliciano since he had Ludwig around, but Feliciano couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable with the sudden rise in soldiers. Hopefully the war would be over soon.


Feliciano and Ludwig parted nearing Feliciano's house.

"I'll see you tomorrow at first sun's rise!" Feliciano waved happily. Carrying a basket full of food from the market, he didn't forget this time.

He opened the door to the house to see Roma talking to Lovino.

"I don't want you with him alone." Roma told Lovino. Lovino rolled his eyes.

"Like hell I'd listen to you!" Lovino shouted.

"I am your grandfather! I'm only trying to protect you!" Roma shouted back.

"Protect me from what?! The problems your causing?" And with that Lovino stomped up to his and Feliciano's room.

Roma sighed running his hand through his hair. "The things I do for these boys.. They'll never understand." He sighed. Noticing Feliciano he brightened a bit.

"Welcome home Feli." Roma said happily almost as if nothing had just happened.

"Ciao Roma. Is everything alright?" Feliciano asked as he placed his basket on the kitchen counter.

"Feliciano?" Roma asked, changing from a happy smile to a serious face. He did answer Feliciano's question. "I want you to stay in this house all tomorrow, don't leave for any reason." Roma said very seriously.

Feliciano had no idea where this was coming from, but he couldn't just not meet with Ludwig. "Why-" Feliciano started to ask.

"Feliciano do not leave the house." Roma cut off Feliciano's question. Feliciano just nodded, grandpa Roma was being very serious. But Feliciano told Ludwig he'd be there.

After that Feliciano went to his and Lovino's room. Lovino was on his bed looking at a tomato. He looked extremely mad.

"What are you looking at?!" Lovino hissed at Feliciano.

"Nothing.." Feliciano laid down on his bed, and looked up at the ceiling.

He needed to see Ludwig what was the worst that could happen?

What's the worst that can happen? I can think of a lot of things. Idk how long this is going to be. It's my first one and i didn't pretype so I can't be sure how long. Sorry that chapters are short or that I'm not posting on time.

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