Chapter One

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Chapter One

    "I'm leaving Mum!"  I grab my bag and leave the house, walking up the lane to school.  The walk is only about 15 minutes..  But it gives me enough time to think about everything that's going on.  How I'm going to tell people.  How people are going to react..  Ugh.  Why can't we just stay here?!

   I enter the school building, and imediately Karen has me engulfed in a hug, "Hey short stuff, I missed you!"  I don't delay on hugging her back, tightly.

   "I'm not that short.."  I mumble into her hair, she leans back and looks at me, "Really?  Because I'm pretty sure you shrunk!  My little lepperachaun!"  she ruffles my strawberry blonde hair like I'm a little kid.

   "You know, I don't think I would have been able to go any longer without seeing your cute little self"  She lets go of me, and we begin to walk towards the stairs..  But I can't help but think, if she couldn't go a few weeks without seeing me, just imagine when I'm gone..  She's one of the people I haven't told.

   "Heyyyyy...  What's wrong?"  I turn and see her looking at me with worry, she noticed me getting upset.

   "Oh.. Uh nothing..  I'll uhm, talk to you about it later, yea?"  I smile as I walk off to my homeroom, leaving her to talk to some other friends.

   I check into class with my teacher, then find my seat and sit, smoothing out my dress underneith me.  I see that everyone has their phones out, so I figure it's fine if I have mine too.

   I pull my phone out and see three kik messages.

Andy: Have a good first day of school!

Emily: Can I sit with you in lunch?  I'm nervous..


   I quickly tap out replies to each of them before homeroom is over.

To Andy: Thanks!  I'll text you after school or in lunch!

To Emily: Sure sweetie!  I'll wait for you at the doors! :)

To Fizzy: Yeaa! I can't believe you just kik'd me! Ahhh, But yea I'm moving to Doncaster..  Hope we can hang out some time!!

   I sent Felicite Tomlinson a question on ask last night, with my kik, saying I was moving to Doncaster.  And she kik'd me!  Ahh, I can't believe it!

   I scroll through my twitter feed for a bit longer until I hear a clapping.

   "Alexandreah!  I said phones away."  My teacher is looking at me sternly.  "Oh, I'm sorry.." I slid my phone into my pocket and turned towards the front of the room.

   "So, I hope everyone had a great summer vacation.. buit now it's time for--"  The bell rings and everyone hurries out of the room before the teacher even finishes her sentence.

   My classes go by in pretty much a blurr.  Even lunch, I wait for Emily, get my lunch, eat, and sit through my friends pointless stories about summer vacation.  Usually I'd be all into telling them about my summer.  But this past summer, I went to London, and I just don't feel like talking about going away.

   After my last class I wait to meet Karen at the front of the building, she's a bit older than me, so she drives me home.

   I lean against the building wall and pull phone out, I have another kik message.

Fizzy: Hahaha, yea! I'd love to meet you!  You seem like a really sweet girl!

To Fizzy: Awesome!  I'm moving in about a month, So I'll let you know closer to then, when I'll be there !! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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