Moving day.

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~Kennedy's P.O.V.~

"Are we there yet...mum?" I asked looking over at my mother. She didn't respond, probably due to the fact I've asked about a million times. I was nervous..and scared. I was not only moving away from my friends, but I was moving in with my moms boyfriend and his son. Larry and my mum had met about a year ago and they've been together since. Larry was a pretty cool guy and he's pretty chill about a lot of stuff. His son on the other hand. I had never met. I wasn't excited to meet wasn't because he was a new stranger I'd be living with until I was old enough to move out, but it was the fact I am gay. I had not taken it too well when someone made comments about it. I get pissed about it, but I have very bad nerves and I get very emotional with homophobic comments.

"Why don't you take a nap? It'll pass time, Kenny." She spoke softly. "Besides, you were up pretty late packing.."

I nodded and sighed, "Mum..? Do think he will like me?" I looked over at her with fear. I dropped my head, my hair falling over my eyes.

"Honey, you have nothing to worry about. Just tell him when you are ready. Larry and I accept you. His son will too!" My mother smiled at me innocently.

"Alright." I gave a slight smile, to show that I appreciated her tiny speech. I wasn't about to get worked up over something that wasn't going to happen...right? Right?!

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I had slept for awhile, until mum had woken me up. I raised up and smacked my head against the door. "Fucking hell!" I groaned. My mom looked over at me, "Kennedy watch your mouth." I rubbed the spot on my head where I'd hit. I mentally cursed at the door and unbuckled. My mother got out and ran to her boyfriend. I looked away disgusted, I had always thought straight couples was gross. I don't know why.

I got out of the car and kicked the car door shut. I only hurt myself again, "Agh! You son of a b-" I was cut off by my mom as she nudged me with her elbow as she walked to the trunk. I dropped my head and sighed. Cursing more in my head. I walked to the back of the car and watched as she opened the trunk. It was crammed with suit cases. Mostly hers. There were some piled up in the backseat of the car too. Those were mostly mine. I grabbed my two suit cases and a bag from the trunk, walking to the house. I stayed behind my mom because I was nervous about the other teen.

Larry smiled, "Kennedy your room is upstairs, down the hall, to the left. Its right across my sons room. The bathroom is the first door. Go ahead and make yourself at home. Be ready around 7:30 though. We are all going out to celebrate." He waved a free hand.

I rolled my eyes mentally and gave a slight smile. I looked at the stairs, the long twisty stairs. I groaned and began packing myself up the stairs. My bags were heavy and I was a weakling. I was about 2 stairs away, but of fucking course..I tripped. All of my things falling with me. I yelped out in pain, "Ah!"

I heard a soft laugh, it wasn't a good was a 'haha you fell' laugh. I felt my heart drop. Anxiety kicking in. This was the son. I could see his pure white fancy shoes. I didn't move.

"Clumsy much?" He laughed again. I felt him walked over to me. He then walked away. Down the stairs. He didn't bother to even help. I slowly got up. I felt something rush down and over my lips. I put a finger to my lip and looked down at it. I realized I was bleeding. I groaned. I grabbed my stuff and slowly made my way to my room. The blood dripped onto my shirt, but I didn't mind. I took a look around my room. I felt my heart ache a bit. This room was huge. I had just lived in a little apartment. I didn't have my own room. I shared a room with mum. I sighed, "wow.." I smiled a bit. The room was a master bedroom. It had a queen sized bed and a set of other furniture to match. The walls were a navy blue and the floor was hard wood. I could see the street from my window. I walked to some double glass doors and opened them. I flicked the light on, a walk in closet. No wonder mom loved this man..he cared about me enough to give me this room. I walked back downstairs. I grabbed my other things. I went to walk back in but mum grabbed my arm, "Honey! Your nose! What happened?" Larry ran over to me. I stare at them and cocked my head to the side, my hair falling over an eye. "I fell...coming up the steps-" I was interrupted by the other teen.

"I'm going out." The boy had a helmet on, I couldn't see his features..but ...he mean he was definitely a boy..I shook my head. Step brother. He got onto his bike without hearing his fathers lecture. He drove off without a care. Larry looked at me. "I'm sorry, Kennedy. He does this a lot." I only nodded and walked into the house with them.

We arrived at the restaurant. The boy wasn't with us. I hadn't seen himself since earlier. I had fixed up my room while mum and larry unpacked everything. We all sat down at a booth. I sat with mum and Larry sat in front of us. Larry turned around. There was his son. I felt my face heat up a bit with a blush. He was gorgeous. His eyes were so blue. His hair was highlighted with browns and blondes. He sat down and his father glared at him, "Where have you been?". The boy glared back, "What do you mean? Does it matter?" I stared at them both in shock. I felt my mum shift uncomfortably. Larry grunted, "You're late. You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago..! I told you we were having dinner. Together. That means you too." He whispered but still had a angry tone.

"You just moved in two people. One of them is going to be my step brother and a new mom? Really dad?" The boy chuckled aggressively.

Larry grabbed his arm and they walked out. Mum looked at me with anger and hurt. I sighed and dropped my head. "Mum...I told you this would happen."

Larry and his son returned. They sat down. It was quiet the rest of the evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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